
Friday, February 25, 2011

Belgium's Vote for LIbya on the UN Human Rights Council

EU Chief Herman van Rompuy (a Belgian waffler)

Photo by Brussels Journal

That's right, folks. In this article by the Brussels Journal, Belgium Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere explains Belgium's decision to vote for Libya to sit on the UN Human Rights Council.

Can't make this stuff up, folks. By this reasoning, Belgium would have voted for Nazi Germany to sit on such a council so that "they may be exposed to reason and differing opinions" and all that rot.

Sure did work, didn't it?


Findalis said...

The real reason is in one word: OIL

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Officially, Libya doesn't have a government any more, it has some nebulous theory about decentralized rule by the people whose will is unerringly represented by the dictates of Colonel Gadaffi.

Belgium doesn't have a government either.

Naturally they find they have a lot in common.

Heff said...

I hope they get the oil that they want. Being an ally of Libya is a good reason for a lot of people to frown on them in the same way that being an ally of the US is a reason for a lot of Arabs to frown.