Alexandria, Egypt (Le Figaro)
Last night, while President Obama was blabbing about how to make the US better, things were popping in other parts of the world. Egypt is imitating Tunisia and Algeria can't be far behind. The West hopes and prays that Democratic rule may be coming to the Middle East, but what everybody is downplaying is that the Islamists are making their move in both countries. One of the principal organizers of the protests in Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood although they seem to be trying to keep a low profile. They are a cute little outfit that spawned Hamas, Hizbollah and a bunch of other odious groups. The Western news media prefers to downplay or ignore the involvement of Islamists in the unrest in both countries.
In 2008, one of the Brotherhood's chief English-speaking spokesmen came to UC Irvine and told a class of Middle East Studies students a bunch of lies about how moderate they are. Why, they just wanted to bring democracy to Egypt, said this gentleman. He also told me a bunch of lies when I confronted him with a few facts.
I am no defender of Hosni Mubarak, who is a dictator, pure and simple-just like the other heads of state in the Middle East-except Israel, of course. I am very skeptical, however, about what will follow him in power. Ultimately, I suspect that Islamist regimes will take over in Egypt and Tunisia. In the case of the former, if the Brotherhood takes over in Egypt, say hello to Iran and goodbye to that peace treaty with Israel. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrings her hands, expresses confidence in the Egyptian government and urges moderation.
As protests in Egypt entered their second day, there were reports that Mubarak's son and heir apparent had taken his family and fled to London.
If that isn't enough you should read the below-linked article out of the Hudson Institute in New York. In Europe, there is an organized effort to install shariah law in European countries-at least at the local community level in civil matters-among other demands. Talk about the camel's nose under the tent.
Last night, President Obama paid scant attention to the rest of the world in his address. Hopefully, he is paying more attention in the Oval Office.
Unfortunately, the U.S. government has damn little option and less leverage. That is the result of a thirty year or more bipartisan pattern of conduct.
The People in those countries don't trust us, because we support their loathed dictators. The dictators know they can squeeze us for more money, because we are afraid of what happens when the people have had enough of them.
Really, Hillary Clinton and Gary Fouse are both standing on the sidelines wringing their hands... and there isn't much else anyone can do that will have the slightest effect.
We're not going to send in the marines, are we?
Send in the Marines? C'mon. I am swaying over to the side that says bring them home from Iraq and Afghanistan. My simple solution is still -build a wall. Nobody gets in and nobody gets out.
OK, so you don't have anything better for Hillary to do than wring her hands. I recognize you've spoken up for getting out of Afghanistan as well as Iraq. I'm not quite sure we can leave that area, with so many nukes in Pakistan. We could have in 2002.
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