
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Christmas Greeting From Nigel Farage

Let's set aside all the gloomy news from Tucson for a minute and lighten things up. And what better way to lighten things up than a sound bite from British member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage, who once again lets his colleagues in Strasbourg have it on the subject of European bailouts along with another slap at that "non-country", Belgium. This one is from December 15.

God, how we need that man in Washington. Can you imagine him giving the what for to Harry Reid?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I can picture him giving what-for to John Boehner, and telling Sarah Palin what a farce she is... couldn't even finish one term as Alaska governor, and she has the nerve to think she could run a whole country? How we need Farage.

Gary Fouse said...


I heave seen interviews of him in the UK press and TV. This guy is no liberal.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You've put enough on this site to convince me that he is a true NONE OF THE ABOVE. I was particularly impressed with the interview one of the British TV stations did, that you linked to. He's not the Barack Obama of Britain, but neither his he Britain's Rand Paul. He's a genuine political iconoclast.