
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obama Looks Like an Amateur

(Click on picture. Hat tip to some unknown genius in the blogosphere for this great picture)

Time will tell if President Obama's tax deal with the Republicans turns out well. In the meantime, however, his approvals continue to go down-especially among those he would normally count on for support.

Yesterday's surprise appearance by Bill Clinton at the White House to tout the deal can only appear like the second string bringing in the first string for support. How amateurish did Obama appear-even bowing out to meet his wife while Clinton took on questions from the reporters for an hour?

Meanwhile, the left has erupted in anger. Two nights ago on MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell hosted a panel of lefties that included Ralph Nader, Alan Grayson, a lefty rabbi named Michael Lerner and Jane Hamsher, a film producer and editor of some blog called FireDogLake. They all had one thing in common; they were angry. Of course, O'Donnell let Nader and Grayson hog the microphone while Hamsher sort of sat there looking pretty but unable to get much of a word in. Most of the time, Lerner, who looks like a giant beard with a set of teeth peeking out, sat there smiling before getting in his plug for a wide-ranging progressive agenda.

I know; I am digressing. (It's my ADD acting up again.)

One big issue they brought up was the idea of having a Democratic challenger take on Obama in the next presidential primary.  Uh oh. That can only mean one thing....

Meanwhile, as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi voice their.....

"What's the word?"

.....reservations about the deal, Reid has drafted up his own tax deal-full of pork, naturally.

But back to Obama. One thing stands out about him after two years in the Oval Office. His only accomplishments have been things that will harm the country, such as taking over the banks, the auto companies, and Wall Street, as well as his stimulus package. On other major issues, what has he accomplished? He can't get anywhere with the Russians. He can't get anywhere with the Chinese. He can't get anywhere with the Iranians or North Koreans.  Our allies have woken up to the fact that he is nothing more than a very flashy and expensive, but empty suit, whose oratory has run dry. He has slapped Israel across the face. He can't do anything about the economy.

So now, even the Democrats are realizing they have given the country another Jimmy Carter, and they are thinking about an alternative in 2012.

Oh, yee suckers.


Findalis said...

He is and has always been an amateur. I could now say: "I told you so!"


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Not to me you can't. He is the most sensible man in politics, although there are a few things I would have done differently. That's our American past-time: "If I were president, I would have..." Well, all of us chattering are NOT president, we don't have the responsibilities of a president, and the man who WAS elected is making the decisions.

For all the self-styled leftists who are grousing: the time to act on those principles was BEFORE November 2. Millions of voters who did turn out in 2004 and 2008, a fair number who turned out in 2006, did NOT turn out in 2010. You didn't inspire them to turn out either. So shut up and let the man cut the best deal he can with the cards he has.

Gary Fouse said...

For him, it was a good deal.

Gary Fouse said...


I'll shut up now.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I actually wasn't telling you to shut up Gary. Its your site. You can say anything you want to.

I was suggesting that all the so-called leftists complaining about the deal had two chances to do better, and muffed them both, so this is not time for grandstanding. Short of a better showing in the elections, they could have gotten the legislation they want through the senate. They failed. So, the president didn't really have the option to "get a better deal."