Are you fed up with Rap, Hip-Hop, Heavy Metal, and all that other garbage that's heard on radio these days?
Getting a little tired of Country songs about pick-up trucks?

Then this might be for you. Switch that dial to the Palestinian radio and give a listen to this:
How'd ya like it?

"Hot Damn."
Now seriously, do you really think Israel is the problem here?"

The above-linked article and video comes from Palestinian Media Watch, a site that documents the hatred coming out of the West Bank and Gaza. In recent days, PMW's YouTube account was suspended for "violating the terms of use" by "propagating hate". It has since been restored. After all, documenting hate is not propagating hate. But make up your own mind. At the below link you can watch the video (produced by Hamas) that led YouTube to exercise censorship when PMW showed it. (Hat tip to Tundra Tabloids)
Those ingrates! After all the work the CIA did building up the Islamists as a counter-weight to communist influence, they dump Christians and Jews right in there with the communists. I suppose it's the old story, "What have you done for me lately?"
PA watch is back online Gary :)
I noted that PMW's YouTube was restored. I am not sure of your point.
YouTube automatically suspends accounts that are reported too many times and then review the suspensions for validity, in that they apparently found them invalid.
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Let a hundred schools compete!
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