Our favorite warrior, Janet (the Jenius) Napolitano and her Department of Politically Correct
Homeland Security have identified yet another target; (two targets, actually) Climate Change and ........ Environmental Justice.

Can't make this up, folks.
(CNS News) "At an all-day White House conference on “environmental justice,” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.
"Ah wunnerful ah wunnerful-ah!"
Speaking at the first White House Forum on Environmental Justice on Thursday, Napolitano discussed the initial findings of the department’s recently created “Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force.”
Napolitano explained that the task force was charged with “identifying and assessing the impact that climate change could have on the missions and operations of the Department of Homeland Security.”
According to the former Arizona governor, the task force would address specific questions, including:
“How will FEMA work with state and local partners to plan for increased flooding or wildfire or hurricane activity that is more serious than we’ve seen before? What assistance can the Coast Guard bring to bear to assist remote villages in, for example, Alaska which already have been negatively affected by changes up in the Arctic?”
The findings from the Homeland Security Department (DHS) also asked: “(H)ow can we focus on how climate change is going to affect our rural citizenry including those who live along our boarders both northern and southern?”
Fousesquawk comment: How about the effect those drug cartels, human smuggling cartels and gang wars are having on our citizenry living along the southern border?
Could it be that Janet has now solved the problem of those right-wingers, tea-partiers, returning war vets and Swedish grannies? This is graphic evidence that this woman has no clue. How about securing the border, Janet? How about going after the real enemies-you know, the folks who brought us 9-11?
Just what exactly is the DHS doing about securing the homeland? It seems the FBI is the only agency out there arresting real terrorists, and they are not even in DHS. Meanwhile, this hapless woman is focusing her sights on "Environmental Justice"-whatever that is- and trying not to offend anyone's sensibilites. She even allows officials from US organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood to inspect her operations facilities.
But there is good news; our Attorney General, Eric Holder is bringing a lawsuit against an Illinois school that refused to give 3 weeks off to a teacher to attend the Hajj. Now that's keeping us safe.
OK Gary, give Janet a little slack. She is only doing what the POTUS wants. I here she will be soon traveling to "La Manche" in her next effort to save the planet from unexpected revolutions from windmills.
The Pentagon is worried about global warming too. There could be major population shifts of a kind not seen for several centuries, as millions of people who find their homeland uninhabitable move en masse into neighboring states, provoking some level of gotterdamerung.
Gary Fouse will then opine "If it hadn't been for IPCC, all those people would have stayed home and drowned."
...and it will only get worse, especially if people like you wait until your air conditioning breaks down to consider that climate change may actually pose some significant peril.
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