"Bah humbug! Stop singing those offensive songs!"
The Daily Mail is reporting that Red Cross facilities in the UK have been ordered by their bosses to.........
remove all Christmas decorations.
You talk about cowardice.
Ya talk about chickensh--!"
After all, we don't want to offend Mr Anjem Choudary, now, do we?
(Choudary is the mope in the center.)
"and the Jews have demanded that the history of Jesus should be rewritten."
Never heard that one before.
If you read the article, they didn't say they "didn't want to offend the jews."
The commercialization of Christmas killed Christmas a long time ago.
That's why we call it the "Winter Event" if you are vselling cars. You can't kill winter, you know.
Would you buy a used car from a "winter event"? I've been having some fun and making some extra money delivering packages for the holidays, and on my first day of live training with an experienced driver, we had two boxes to drop off at a synagogue. The other driver joked "I think its a Christmas tree." One of the women, with patient good humor, firmly said "Then we'll have to send it back, it must have come to the wrong address." I remarked "It could be an olive tree, couldn't it?" She agreed that it could.
Many Jewish people ARE sensitive about the prevalence of Christmas in western culture. On the other hand, my favorite orthodox rabbi remarks, the culture is predominantly Christian, so as long as he can freely practice his faith, it is of no great matter that many of his neighbors are dragging dead trees into their homes and stringing lights around them.
It is fundamental to Judaism that Jesus was NOT the Messiah. There is no getting around that. There is no reason to angst about it either.
Speaking of the photo though, I have a question for the dunce in the middle: "Define shariah." We could keep him tied up for years just trying to answer that question coherently.
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