
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chris Matthews "Analysis"

Chris Matthews- MSNBC "News Analyst" and sufferer of TLS (Tingling leg syndrome)

"Whole lotta shakin' going on"

Hat tip to Hot Air

MSNBC news analyst Chris Matthews.....

ahem,,,, MSNBC news analyst Chris Matthews and his "expert" panel of liberals (Willie Brown, Howard Fineman, Rachel Maddow look-a-like Ron Reagan and Eugene "Chuckles" Robinson) had a laugh this week at the expense of Michele Bachman, when she was named to the House Intelligence Committee.

In an effort to find an opposing viewpoint, I switched to Fox News to get this reaction to Matthews' comments from John Boehner:

""That wasn't fair."


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Okay, Gary...good job. That was actually funny.

Gary Fouse said...

You only say that because I threw in a jab at Boehner.