
Sunday, November 14, 2010

California Needs Help-Are You Ready?

California basically sat out the last election. While most of the US was throwing the rascals out, California was voting them back in, and, in a couple of cases, bringing them back from the dead-one literally, the other figuratively. I mean, how can you deny our leaders another term when they have done such great work? At the last count, unemployment was 12.4% and the deficit was 32 billion dollars. Yet every Democrat running for re-election in California won.

Hell, we even dug up old Jerry Brown (figuratively) and brought him back to be governor again. The same guy who hooked up government workers with the unions when he was governor some 75 years ago now returns to a state run into bankruptcy by those same government worker unions. How ironic.

Then we re-elected a woman named Jenny Oropeza in Long Beach. The only problem is that Jenny is......

...........what's the word?


That's right. Jenny died last month. Mox Nix as they say in Germany.  Jenny is (literally) back in office. Reminds me of that Mel Carnahan fiasco in Missouri in 2000. He was killed in a plane crash and still got elected. Of course, his wife, being his legal beneficiary, became senator. She's still there.

You gotta hand it to those Democrats. They not only have dead voters, but dead office-holders as well.

"Damn! I knew I should have been a Democrat."

Did I tell you that playboy mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom was elected Lt. Governor? As soon as Jerry gets called back to the grave, Gavin will take over and declare California a sanctuary state for illegals just as he did in Frisco.

And to make matters worse, Newsom's sanctuary-anti-death penalty DA, Kamala Harris will probably be the new attorney general. That's because even though her opponent, a real DA (of LA) Steve Cooley, declared victory on election night, those votes just kept coming. They are still counting the absentee ballots (and probably those found in car trunks and all that stuff). Cooley was ahead for a while, but they found some new votes for Harris and ...........................well, you know how this will end. But there is good news. Harris may be soft on violent crime, but rest assured she will crack down hard on those corporate polluters. (That's her campaign promise.)

Of course, we re-elected Barbara Boxer. All she's done in Congress for 28 years is engage in partisan bickering, so let's keep her around. So we have to call her "Senator" for another 6 years-at least.

Loretta Sanchez? Insulting her Vietnamese constituency didn't hurt her one bit. She's back.

So what's it all mean, you ask? It means that the unions still control Sacramento, taxes will soar, a global warming bill will go into effect that will drive gas and utility costs sky high, the spending will continue, and California will come hat-in-hand to the federal government for bail outs.

That's where you come in. The only way California can still keep spending money is if the federal government gives them the money. Your money. And you know they will get it.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Why Gary, don't you think John Boehner and Paul Ryan will quash any attempt to subsidize those damn loony radicals in California with U.S. taxpayers' hard earned money? Revenue bills MUST originate in the House: U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 7 [1].

I truly sympathize with your sentiments concerning Gov. Moonbeam, Gavin the Playboy, and B-Box. There is only one explanation I can think of for the election and re-election of two mummified relics and a telegenic vacuum tube: the truly frightening Halloween costumes of the rank amateurs running against them.

A little primary blood-letting didn't do the Republicans too much harm this year, and did some good in some places. The Democrats could use a massive wave of primary challenges to fossilized incumbents, particularly those who have been in office for 20 years or more.

Miggie said...

I heard that Jerry Brown took a post election vacation in Arizona (!) ... the state we are supposed to hate because of the border law they passed. If he had only done that before the election, he wouldn't have been elected.

Germany and some of the other EU countries are grousing about bailing out Spain with Ireland coming up next. The other states will be complaining about California for the same reasons very soon.
