
Thursday, November 18, 2010

By Any Means Necessary??????

It appears that the Muslim Student Association (West) is having a conference at UCLA January 14-16. From the title of the announcement and the clenched fist, can we assume that this conference is going to feature a ...what's the word?

Militant tone?


Miggie said...

That is some lineup of hate speakers.

It's odd that the poster listing the speakers has "Amir Abdel Malik" instead of the name "Malik Ali" that he usually uses.

I wonder what was going through the mind of whoever made the decision to make the change. Did they think people would not make the connection between the two names?

It may just be a mistake and I'm reading too much into it. It appears that he may want not to be readily identifiable. Maybe there is some kind of name convention that makes the "Ali" suffix is arbitrary. I just think it is odd because this is not a typical mistake.


Bartender Cabbie said...

"By Any Means Necessary." Sounds like fighting words. Are these folk at war with American ideals? Should deportations be in order for those not American citizens? Perhaps they should.

Miggie said...

I don't think we should deport all of them ... only those who have violated any law... that is any law, ordinance, or infraction, from parking tickets to disturbing the peace, etc. All the rest who obey all the laws should still be told they are not entitled to anything. It is a privilege to be here. They must clearly understand they are here as guests and are to conduct themselves accordingly. Any breach of our standards of conduct will not be tolerated. They are here to observe our way of life and not to impose or "explain" theirs.
