
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Californians Should Vote 'Yes" on Proposition 23.

Mark Lansdowne has a great column up in today's Orange County Register having to do with the  global warming brouhaha. More importantly, it is about a proposition on the California ballot called Proposition 23-and if you live in California, you should support it. It would put on hold an onerous bill which would give the radical environmentalists on the California Air Resources Board greater powers to enforce our CO2 omissions (like exhaling). Assembly Bill 32 is an insane state version of a cap and trade system which was crazily named  the 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act. If Prop 23 passes, the regulation would be suspended until unemployment in the state is down to 5.5% for a full year. (It is currently 12.4%.)

Leaving aside the debate about the validity of global warming, AB32 would raise our utility rates dramatically, impose energy taxes, and ultimately cost a ton of jobs. It is an insane measure hatched by unaccountable and radical bureaucrats who worship at the altar of global warming.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Vote NO on Proposition 23.

I can't, because I don't live in California. But if corporate thugs, millionaires, and front groups from all over the country can pour millions of dollars into misleading advertising to get this passed, I'm entitled to throw my two cents worth in also.

Acknowledgements: Gary Fouse IS a lawful resident of California, and entitled to vote yes if he wants to. He's wrong, but he's sincere.

Gary Fouse said...


I am willing to admit I don't know a whole lot about Wisconsin. Can you admit you don't know much about Calif?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

No, I'm afraid I can't. I lived there for twenty years. I lived in a different state from you - it's called "northern California", although I spent a few weeks in Orange County now and then. Sacramento and Alameda are my favorite places. Driving through the tunnel to Alameda, I felt like I had come back up in Nebraska.

Further, Prop 23 is an issue of national and international importance, which is why corporations from all over the country are pouring money into the phony charade. You don't believe global warming is a credible threat. I do. I also believe you have to deny a great deal of credible evidence to hold your position, merely because you find it practically and ideologically inconvenient.

I have one sympathy with the anti-global warming crowd. Many of the loudest mouths on the subject have a preachy moralistic tone that grates on the nerves of any human being with an ounce of common sense. As Henry Clay said of the early Temperance movement, it cannot be legislated. He was proved right in 1919. Or, take the many Americans who despised abolitionists, not out of affinity for slavery, but because the damn reformers were so preachy, and also were the same people preaching temperance.

Tell you what, I'll agree to let you put the preachy ones out for target practice, if you agree to cut our national carbon footprint by gearing up new industries which will deflate the wealth of Saudi Arabia.