"I'm not dead. I'm just sleeping."
Hat tip to Drudge Report
It looks as if Harry Reid is off to an early lead in the Nevada Senate race. Here is a report of Nevada voters going to vote early and seeing Harry's name already checked off on the ballot.

Fousesquawk exclusiive!! Nevada voters going early to vote for Harry
You see, this is why everybody needs to turn out and vote. If the numbers are close, the Democrats are geared up to steal the election a'la Al Franken.
It's all elementary my dear Watson. You take SEIU, ACORN, friendly Democratic poll officials (Florida 2000), prisoners in jail, dead people (a'la Chicago), last-minute rushes at the polling place (St Louis in the Missouri Senate race 2000) and illegal aliens (ask Loretta Sanchez) and voila! A narrow defeat turns into a narrow victory.
And don't forget that New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia. They even have the Dept. of Justice Seal of Approval.
Are you proud of this, all you liberal Democrats?
Are you ready for another $2.6 Trillion dollar tax bill (Heritage Foundation analysts), to add to the growing 13 Trillion dollar US treasury Deficit? Then you just vote for any Democrat, who is going to stick that bill on you, your grandchildren--with another illegal alien AMNESTY. Dump Senator Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and all the Pro-Amnesty, Anti-Sovereignty Democrats and Liberal fringe, including Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs and elected officers. GOOGLE--Voter Fraud; Illegal alien costs; illegal aliens and Social Security. Search the facts for yourself, because Huffington Press, Washington, Post, Los Angeles Times and the New York Times and the left wing open border fringe media, will spit on the truth and tell you a bunch of lies and propaganda.
Did you say something significant here, Mr. Fouse? I may have missed it.
"Waive, Brittania, Brittania waives the rules..."
Wrong posting, Siarlys.
What does Brittania have to do with Reid?
PS Siarlys,
The significant point is--voter fraud.
Voter fraud is a hallucination and a red herring, another form of sour grapes. Remember "Citizen Kane"? The candidate owned a daily newspaper, and had two headlines ready for the election results:
You're setting yourself up to run the same number.
("Brittania" was a near-analog for "Brittanicus." He's even more incoherent than you are.)
"Voter fraud is a hallucination and a red herring, another form of sour grapes."
You want to re-think what you just said?
If the numbers are close, the Democrats are geared up to steal the election a'la Al Franken.
Gary, where is the evidence that Franken stole the election? All I've seen are assertions and assumptions - no proof.
I don't want to rethink anything Gary.
As Lance just said, the "Al Franken was elected by stolen votes" line is backed up by nothing but assumption.
It is an assumption that underlies Republican emotionality these days. If Republicans lose an election, voter fraud must be the explanation, because we just KNOW deep down in our little hearts and in our pointy little heads that "the People" have GOT to be with us!
Uh, excuse me, but maybe the people are more intelligent than the Grumpy Odd Party gives them credit for.
Remember that car with the ballots stuffed in the trunk? They were counted. Prisoners incarcerated voted.
It's the same old story. Proof? Let your fingers do the typing in google.
I did my googling on this, and even your best bit of "evidence" amounted to nothing more than an accusation. And why do you assume that the incarcerated prisoners all voted for Franken? Where's the proof for that even?
Time for that old Sherlock Holmes quote: "Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."
Repeating this "Franken stole the election" thing is disingenuous at best, a flat-out lie at worst.
Why do I assume (most) of the incarcerated prisoners voted for Franken?
1 Common sense
2 The dems are the only party that advocate giving prisoners the vote.
Gary, I'm sorry, but your "common sense" is nothing more than your inherent prejudices.
I shouldn't have bothered asking that question though because it's irrelevant considering that there isn't even any proof of what you're claiming.
I second Lance, on the simply ground that you keep repeating insinuations that emerged from a game of telephone, sound and fury signifying nothing. There is simply no substance to this, which is what I expected when I read your original post.
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