
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Who Will Be the 2010 Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year Award Winner?

(All due apologies to the Milwaukee Brewers)

Since Alan Grayson has jumped back into the running for my Golden Penguin award, which he won in 2009, I thought it might be a good idea to look at how the big race is unfolding at the 3/4 furlong mark. (Is that what they call it at the track?)

With three months to go, here's how I see it at this point (in no particular order):

Mel Gibson (Think he'll get Danny Glover's vote?)

Gordon Brown (for the Lockerbie bomber release)

Alan Grayson (defending champ)

Arnold Schwarzenegger (When he became governor a few years ago, California looked like Berlin in 1944. As he prepares to leave office, the place looks like Berlin 1n 1945.)

Mary D. Nichols (head of the California Air Resources Board) who has been Arnie's chief bombadier).

Congressman Bob Etherdge (D-NC) "Who are you?"

Harry Reid (always within striking distance)

George Galloway (hands-down champ in what's left of the UK)

Feisal Abdul Rauf (builder of "bridges" and rat-infested apartments)

Eugene "Chuckles" Robinson (I know. I'm just throwing a temper tantrum.)

Nancy Pelosi (one swing of the dingbat is all she needs. That's why ESPN calls home runs "dingers".)

Keith Olbermann (perennial contender)

Chris Matthews (biggest joke in journalism)

Lindsay Lohan (and her father-whatever his name is)

Paris Hilton (all that talent going to waste)

John Morton (ICE Director-for doing nothing)

Janet Napolitano (ditto-and for saying the border is as secure as it has ever been)

Eric Holder (for doing nothing-except suing Arizona)

Rod Blagoyevich (His hair alone makes him a contender.)

Maxine Waters (What list would be complete without her?)

Barney Frank (Nobody has more skeletons in their closet than Barney-no pun intended.)

Carlos Zambrano (Cub "ace". Seven wins this year and almost as many temper-tantrums. Count 'em. "Chuckles" probably thinks he's a tea-partier.)

Hillary Clinton (Should get plenty of overseas votes.)

Have I left anybody out? If you have any suggestions, feel free to throw in your 2 cents worth; however, I am the final "decider".


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Mel Gibson or Nancy Pelosi.

Some of the rest just don't rate high enough. As the Peddlar said of Rapin the Knight, "Oh, he'll get into heaven. Others have a better claim on hell. Robbers will take precedence over this pickpocket, rapists will push aside this diddler...

Findalis said...

Paris Hilton has a talent?

Depends on the Nov. elections but Obama just might be your winner. Loss of Congress, foreign policy blunders, etc...

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Obama gave a well grounded and inspiring speech at the Milwaukee Labor Day celebration today. Very well received too. Don't count him out.

Gary Fouse said...

Don't count Obama out for what? Jerk of the year?

If it's the one I saw a snippet on tonight, it was pretty lame.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I don't know what was in the snippet, but ten thousand working families in Milwaukee gave him repeated thunderous ovations. Of course we heard the entire speech. We didn't even have to be prodded by the women and men in the purple SEIU t-shirts. There were also red, orange, yellow, green, and a few other colors.