
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

They're Reading Fousesquawk at the Car Wash

"Hey Looie! Did you see this piece in Fousesquawk today?"

Some guy named Matt Coker who writes for the OC Weekly has picked up on my recent piece about the Jewish Federation.

Apparently, your humble correspondent was mentioned in an earlier piece by Coker regarding the UC-Irvine mess.

What is the OC Weekly, you ask? The OC Weekly is a local fishwrap that you will most likely find lying around at local car washes while you are waiting for your car. I assume it's free.

Fousesquawk, ladies and gentlemen! The most famous name in least at the car wash.

"Great article, Fousesquawk. Who's the funny-looking guy on the cover?"

"You don't wanna know."


Bartender Cabbie said...

Where do I find this car wash. Looks like a good spot for viewing err reading.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm jealous, not of the view, of the coverage.