
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Educating Keith Olbermann

Last night, MSNBC's biggest embarrassment, Keith Olbermann, brought our attention to some "right-wing radical" Christian minister who I had never heard of, who was trying to rent space in the Marriott Hotel located 2 BLOCKS FROM GROUND ZERO!!! He then showed a video of this guy speaking out against Islam, blah, blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

Keith's thesis was....

why are the right wing wackos NOT protesting against this guy renting space so close to Ground Zero?

Great question, Olbermann!!!

So, this afternoon I posed the question to a teaching associate at UC-Irvine and asked for his ideas. His immediate response?

"I never heard about Southern Baptists flying planes into the Twin Towers. I missed that."


Keith Olbermann is a lot of things, but one thing he is not is.....a deep thinker.



Bartender Cabbie said...

There are apparently "gentleman clubs" in the area of Ground Zero also. I have seen some that think it is ok to build a mosque in the vicinity as an upgrade to the neighborhood. I have not heard of any nudie dancers flying planes into buildings either. I don't know what these "commentators" don't get about people just not wanting this mosque/community/cultural center, or whatever it is to be called, being built near Ground Zero.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah Gary, we already know that you are one of those people who will go through any verbal and logical contortions to deny that Timothy McVeigh was acting (albeit as a lone wolf, almost) in conjunction with a variety of armed Christian communities.

He was about as close to the Southern Baptist Convention as Osama bin Laden is to Feisal -- probably a bit closer.

But that said, no, Oldermann is not a deep thinker. He probably couldn't have come up with so obvious a repartee, and if he did, couldn't have sustained it.

Spineless liberals.