Your friend and mine, Keith Olbermann, has a whole host of issues he could lead off his "Countdown" show with come Monday. Lord knows he must be digging for a lead story right now.

Here are some ideas.
Do you think he will be talking about that 1993 bill that Harry Reid wrote that would have lifted the right of automatic citizenship from babies born in the US to non-Americans/non-legal residents and how ironic that is given Reid's ridiculous comment this week to a group of Hispanics?
Or will he be talking about this?

Do you think Keith will be talking about that obscene birthday bash in New York for Charlie Rangel and all his ethics charges?
Will he be talking about how ex-NY mayor David Dinkins gave the finger to protesters outside the Plaza Hotel (above at the 1:25 mark)?
Or will he be talking about this?

Do you think Keith will be talking about Maxine Waters and her latest rants about her ethics violations all being the fault of the Bush administration?

"That's the ticket. Bush is the bad guy."
Or will he be talking about this?

Or do you think Keith will be talking about the indictment of South Carolina Senate candidate Alvin (Sleepy) Greene on sex charges?

Or will he be talking about this?

I think we all know the answer to those questions, don't we? In fact, I have a grand idea. Why don't the suits over at MSNBC just lump together the Ed Show, the Chris Show, the Rachel Show and the Keith Show and just call all 4 hours "The Sarah Palin Show"?
That should do wonders for their ratings.
Yeah, it's pretty lame when people continue to harp on the same thing over and over and over again...
There is a word for that in Yiddish Lance: KVETSH
If that's a left-handed swipe at me, I don't carve up Olbermann 5 times a week.
If that makes you feel better, okay.
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