Now that the first Rod Blagoyevich trial has ended in a partial fiasco and that loudmouth ex-governor is once again proclaiming what he will do in the next trial, here is what I'd like to see on the next go-around.
I would like to see "hot shot" prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald call Tony Rezko to testify. He knows where all the bodies are buried in Chicago.
I would like to see Blagoyevich follow through on his threats to subpoena White House folks like Rahm Emanuel regarding that Senate job.
How about Valerie Jarrett?
How about Jesse Jackson Jr?
Were they not all scrambling for that Senate post being vacated by Obama?

It seems to me that either Blagoyevich or the government would have an interest in calling people who were on the other end of all this alleged selling of the Senate seat. Of course, Blagoyevich's thinking is that if Rahm and the crew get subpoenaed, maybe Eric Holder will pressure the prosecutors to drop the case or make a sweet plea deal for Rod.

I would like to see Blagoyevich live up to his previous promise to testify.
I would like to see Fitzgerald live up to his hot shot image as a prosecutor and win a conviction when he has the defendant on tape openly talking about selling the Senate seat. This is the guy who enjoyed a Washington DC jury to get a conviction on Lewis "Scooter" Libby for the "outing" of CIA employee Valerie Plame-even after he knew that the "outer" was Richard Armitage (and Plame was not a "secret agent").
This case is so much bigger than Rod Blagoyevich. It concerns the whole rotten Chicago system of politics, and it concerns the White House and their efforts to get Valerie Jarrett that Senate seat. If this case begins and ends with Rod Blagoyevich, then there is a cover-up going on.
Finally, if Blagoyevich is convicted, then he would have every incentive to spill the beans. It will be incumbent on the prosecutors to obtain his cooperation. If they don't, something stinks.

Maybe Blagojevich didn't testify because he's guilty, and it would damage his case. Maybe he hasn't subpoenaed Rahm Emmanuel because it wouldn't help his case to do so. Maybe he hasn't subpoenaed Tony Rezko because the bodies Tony knows about aren't Blagojevich's bodies. Maybe Gary Fouse just hopes that any genuine prosecution will spill over to taint anyone Gary Fouse didn't vote for.
It has nothing to do with who or whom I didn't vote for. I don't like corruption. Period.
I take you at your word that you don't like corruption. I've gotten enough of a sense of your principles, even just reading you on line, to expect that you would denounce corruption by Republicans. But I do have a sense that you stretch any corruption probe of a person who can be characterized as a Democrat or a liberal in hopes it will taint a far wider circle than the evidence actually points to. Its a human failing, and Democrats suffer from it too.
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