
Monday, August 9, 2010

The Truth About the New York Mosque-From Two Muslims

Hat tip to Hot Air

The below article appears in the Ottawa Citizen. It is an op-ed by two Muslim writers who see the truth behind the proposed New York mosque clearly and are not afraid to write about it.

Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah stand on our side. They know the purpose of this mosque at this location is intended as a provocation to the non-Muslim West. They see the foolishness of gullible people like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others who support the construction of this mosque. They question where all the funding is coming from. Perhaps most importantly, they recognize that building this mosque at this site will be a lighting rod for increased Islamophobia.

Thank you Ms. Raza and Mr. Fatah for having the courage to speak out publicly.

* Update: Ms Raza has just appeared on Bill O'Reilly's show and she impressed Bill no end with her insight. She blames political correctness for allowing the situation to worsen and explains how this weakness by Westerners like Bloomberg hurts the efforts of true moderates to have more influence.


Bartender Cabbie said...

Those gentlemen are indeed brave men. Good article and thanks for finding it for us readers.

Gary Fouse said...

Thanks Cabbie,

These are the Muslims we need to support.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm glad to know that there is a Muslim openly proclaiming "The Jew Is Not My Enemy," - it may give pause to those western Christians who try to promote the notion that hostility to Jews is inherent in Islam. The argument that "fitna" is prohibited also undermines the argument that Muslims are formally authorized to deceive non-Muslims, without the lie being a sin.

However, this article sounds like someone with an ax to grind, provocative questions to ask, but no direct information about Cordoba House itself. One of the strengths of the USA is that we can well absorb such "provocations." We will, in the long run, absorb it all, without toxic damage, as we did the Roman Catholics, about whom similar things were said by the "Know-Nothings."

Incidentally, it is possible that a "mosque" will be used as a direct cover for terrorism. A mosque was recently closed in Germany on that ground. In American law, any religious institution which can be proven, after appropriate investigation, to be a Racketeering Influenced or Corrupt Organization can be closed, fined, prosecuted, dismantled, auctioned off. This is done based on evidence, not raucous sloganeering by opportunistic politicians (Gingrich and Palin, e.g.)

Gary Fouse said...


It all comes down to how you want to interpret the Quran and the hadith-not to mention the myriad of hateful sermons coming out of the Middle East.

Keep in mind that the Quran contains conflicting statements. According to the theory of abrogation, the later statement or passage takes precedence and abrogates the earlier.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Every sacred text contains conflicting meanings, statements, and interpretations, not to mention translations. Assuming that the U.S. is a "Christian Nation" and that "all Scripture is perfect," shall we take every adulterous woman in America and stone her to death? Oh wait, that's something you condemn Iranian Revolutionary Guards for doing, so probably not. Most Muslims in Iran appear to agree with you, but that's what you get when the church mixes with the state. I heard a great Holy Week sermon once offering that the Crucifixion is an example of what happens when the church is in collusion with the state.

Gary Fouse said...


I just gave you the key to dicipher the conflicts. Later in his life and during the writing of the Koran, Mohammed became a warrior as opposed to simply a preacher.