President Obama "graced" LA with his presence Monday in order to appear at some huge fundraiser, which reportedly brought in over a million dollars. He also made a million new enemies as LA's finest blocked off streets and caused monumental traffic jams. As a result of Obama's fundraiser, motorists/peons had to spend hours stuck in traffic so Obama's motorcade could pass swiftly from fundraiser to fundraiser and back to the airport.
"Good Golly, Miss Molly!"
Sort of reminds me of when I lived in Bangkok in the 1970s, and suddenly that city's perpetually jammed streets became empty. One knew at that point that the King was going to be passing by in minutes in his motorcade.
It must be great to be a king, right Mr President? "Yes, it is."
Yeah, I know how that feels. When Dick Cheney came into Milwaukee once, the police blocked off my favorite freeway for getting my passengers with disabilities to their destination. It was awful. Perhaps we should make them all walk.
It is different because it is exponentially worse than it has been with any other President.
He is completely out of touch with America. He is on the wrong side of a 70 to 30 split on the healthcare bill, on the Arizona law, on relations with Israel or the Muslims, on the wrong side of the NY Mosque issue, on higher taxes, more big government, etc. etc.
Already he has played golf more times than President Bush did in 8 years. The extravagant serial vacations and perks are offensive to a vast majority of Americans.
This is a "Bring us together" President? He has made things worse in every area you can name.
At first glance, nothing distinguishes the visit by US President Bush to eastern Germany from his earlier trips: Mysterious airplanes land at regional airports, commando divers examine the local pond, a warship lies at anchor on the Baltic Sea coast, garages are cleared out on police orders and even the manholes are being welded shut.
And yet everything is supposed to be different this time. Bush himself is said to have felt the security measures during his last visit -- to Mainz in February 2005 -- were exaggerated. His motorcade drove through deserted streets -- an experience the president apparently doesn't want to make again. You, Miggie and Findalis just keep lying to yourselves. Sometimes you are downright ridiculous.
Miggie, please provide a table of precise statistics, so we can make a factual comparison and see if there is any truth at all to your wild opinionated allegations.
Please also provide sources for each statistic. I want to know you didn't just make it up, or vaguely remember you heard something like that on Fox News.
Born 1945 in Los Angeles. Worked from 1998-2016 as adjunct teacher at University of California at Irvine Ext. teaching English as a second language.
Served three years in US Army Military Police at Erlangen, Germany 1966-68.
1970-1973- Criminal Investigator with US Customs
1973-1995 Criminal investigator with Drug Enforcement Administration. Stationed in Los Angeles, Bangkok, Milan, Italy, Pittsburgh and Office of Training, FBI Academy, Quantico, Va. until retirement.
Author of Erlangen-An American's History of a German Town-University Press of America 2005,
The Story of Papiamentu- A Study in Slavery and Language, University Press of America, 2002, and
The Languages of the Former Soviet Republics-Their History and Development, University Press of America, 2000.
What? No trip to Disneyland?
And how exactly is this any different than any other president? Talk about blind partisanship.
Yeah, I know how that feels. When Dick Cheney came into Milwaukee once, the police blocked off my favorite freeway for getting my passengers with disabilities to their destination. It was awful. Perhaps we should make them all walk.
It is different because it is exponentially worse than it has been with any other President.
He is completely out of touch with America. He is on the wrong side of a 70 to 30 split on the healthcare bill, on the Arizona law, on relations with Israel or the Muslims, on the wrong side of the NY Mosque issue, on higher taxes, more big government, etc. etc.
Already he has played golf more times than President Bush did in 8 years. The extravagant serial vacations and perks are offensive to a vast majority of Americans.
This is a "Bring us together" President? He has made things worse in every area you can name.
I once pasxed by Barbara Bush's car in Pittsburgh. They didn't block anything.
What did you say? I can't read it.
At first glance, nothing distinguishes the visit by US President Bush to eastern Germany from his earlier trips: Mysterious airplanes land at regional airports, commando divers examine the local pond, a warship lies at anchor on the Baltic Sea coast, garages are cleared out on police orders and even the manholes are being welded shut.
And yet everything is supposed to be different this time. Bush himself is said to have felt the security measures during his last visit -- to Mainz in February 2005 -- were exaggerated. His motorcade drove through deserted streets -- an experience the president apparently doesn't want to make again.
You, Miggie and Findalis just keep lying to yourselves. Sometimes you are downright ridiculous.
And very funny indeed, the previous word of varification was turdians. Nomen est omen.
What was funny Ingrid? Or were you referring to my tribute to the Marquis Pierre St georges d'Ayturde?
Miggie, please provide a table of precise statistics, so we can make a factual comparison and see if there is any truth at all to your wild opinionated allegations.
Please also provide sources for each statistic. I want to know you didn't just make it up, or vaguely remember you heard something like that on Fox News.
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