"Of course I support Israel."
Not surprisingly, that so-called Jewish organization called J Street has come out in support of the New York mosque project and has collected over 10,000 signatures in support of the mosque.
I say not surprisingly because J Street is really little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. Formed and supported by the Obama adminisitration as a liberal alternative to AIPAC, J Street is composed of liberal Jews who proclaim (see their website) to be pro-Israel but always seem to take the Palestinian side in the Israel-Palestinian dispute.
One notable example is the selection of J Street executive Hannah Rosenthal to be the State Department's chief official in "combatting anti-Semitism". Ms Rosenthal got off to a rousing start last year when she went to Israel and promptly trashed the Israeli amabassador to the US, Michael Oren for not wanting to meet with J Street. That put her in some pretty distinguihed company in February when Oren came to speak at UC-Irvine and was trashed by the Muslim Student Union. Whatever else Ms Rosenthal has done to combat anti-Semitism, I have no idea.
A word of caution; when you hear this organization take a stand on an issue that affects Israel or Jews, take it with a grain of salt. This is not a pro-Israel organization-no matter what they say. The Muslims have an Arabic word for it-"taqqiya", which means deception.
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