
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Update on Government Effort to Unionize Police and Firefighters

"Whaddaya mean youse don't wanna join da union?"

Recently, I posted a message I had received from the National Right to Work Committee on Democratic attempts to pass a bill designed to unionize police and firefighters. Here is another message from that organization with an update on the shenanigans going on in Congress.

Dear Gary,

Near midnight this past Thursday, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Big Labor apologists in the U.S. House of Representatives disgracefully amended pending war funding legislation to include the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.

And this was no accident or last-minute decision. Further, she wasn't acting on her own.

You see, we have been informed that the union-label House leadership had just days before met behind closed doors with Big Labor's high command, including AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, AFSCME President Gerald McEntee, CWA President Larry Cohen, and IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger.

Knowing the widespread opposition to their union boss power grab, the union barons demanded their allies in the House sneak the dangerous bill into a "must pass vehicle." Nancy Pelosi was happy to oblige her Big Labor masters.

As you know, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been itching to ram through this bill for weeks, but your action delayed his efforts before the Senate adjourned for Independence Day.

And now that Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining has made it through the House (albeit through desperate tactics), the battle in the Senate will be more crucial than ever.

Time is running out for Big Labor. But as we saw this week, the union bosses will do whatever it takes to strengthen their grip on hardworking Americans.

That's why we must stay vigilant.

If you haven't already, please send your Senators your free action fax demanding they oppose Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining.

And if you can, please consider chipping in $10 or more to help your National Right to Work Committee alert as many concerned citizens as possible about this urgent matter.

Thank you for everything you have done in this fight so far. Your support could very well make the difference.

Please have a wonderful Fourth of July with your friends and family.


Doug Stafford
Vice President
National Right to Work Committee


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is

To help the National Right to Work Committee grow, please forward this to a friend.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm not sure about this bill, but anything from the employer-funded front group known as the National Right to Work [for less] Committee comes with a very large grain of salt, and their intemperate language does not make a rational case for taking them seriously.

Richard Trumka may have been the best president the United Mine Workers had since my great grandfather's hero, John Llewellyn Lewis.