
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

UC President Responds Negatively to Jewish Organizational Concerns

(Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism)

Recently, a letter was sent to University of California President Mark Yudof from 11 Jewish organizations complaining about a troubling current of anti-Semitic incidents occurring on UC campuses including hate speech and swastikas appearing on bathroom walls.

The below LA Times article describes the negative reaction to that letter from Yudof.

This is hardly surprising. Yudof has reacted this way to virtually every criticism of his campuses when it comes to this issue.


Findalis said...

He will change his tune after the attack on a Jewish student by the Muslim students that leaves the student crippled for life or worse dead.

The lawsuit that will follow will leave him, the school, and quite a few others broke.

They have been warned!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, I was critical of the letter too, and it had nothing to do with crippling injuries, which were not really the issue.

Gary Fouse said...


What I have been predicting for years is that someday, someone will be seriously hurt at UCI if the situation continues as is. That is based on my personal involvement and experience at UCI. It has not happened yet, but the ppotential is there.