We begin with breaking news that the Obama administration has now asked BP to suspend efforts to plug that oil gusher until they can "answer questions from government scientists" (pictured below).

(Wonder where Al's been lately.)
Speaking of BP, did you hear about that big deal they made with Libya last year for oil drilling rights that happened at the same time the British Government agreed to release that Pan Am bomber from prison because he was "dying' and Gordon Brown "didn't want him to die in prison"? D'ya think there was any connection?

Of course, the Brits let the guy out of prison over the "outraged protestations" of the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton State Department, right?

We also know that BP was lobbying the government about concluding a prisoner exchange treaty with Libya that Gaddafi was insisting on as part of the deal-which, of course, didn't specify any names.

Of course.
By the way, that terrorist who was supposed to die last year? He's still kickin'. Last week, it was reported that some doctor examined him and predicted he could live another ten years.
Hey! Wasn't Libya the same country whose diplomats fired out of their embassy in London, killed a female cop and were allowed to leave the country to a hero's welcome in Libya? Sure was. (For you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors, it happened a few years before most of you were born.)

"We don't think that's funny."
Isn't it amazing how tin pot nose pickers like Gaddafi in some 4th world hell-hole like Libya can play Western "leaders" like a fiddle?
Thanks a lot, Gordon Brown. Thanks a lot, BP. What a country. You think that's bad; wait till George Galloway or Anjem Choudary become prime minister in about two years.

I'll let you figure out who is who.
Speaking of limp noodles, Gordon Brown has his American counterpart in Harry Reid, who next year at this time will be a greeter at the Sands (or the Moonlight Ranch). Harry said this week that it was totally false a claim that illegal aliens are taking over the construction industry in Nevada. May be happening in other states, but not Nevada-thanks to Harry's support for securing the border and cracking down on illegals.

I'll bet when Harry visits Vegas, he keeps the "do not disturb" sign on his hotel room door so he won't see who cleans his room. He probably never walks down Las Vegas Blvd (that's the Strip for all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors)and sees who's handing out flyers for strippers and hookers. If he doesn't wake up soon, they're gonna take over the "ranches" out there in parts of the state where Harry never ventures "and has never heard of".

Now that Mel Gibson has stepped in it again, I have two reasons not to watch those dopey Lethal Weapon movies (the first reason is Danny Glover). Come to think of it, it's safe to say there won't be any more Lethal Weapon movies anyway. Talk about two guys that deserve each other. Every time I've seen Gibson being interviewed, he has come across as being out of control. That's nothing compared to these tapes. My advice to Mel and Oksana?
Mel- Lithium
Oksana- Restraining order and body guard
Isn't it ironic that the NAACP has now come out blasting the Tea Party for having "racists in its ranks", while it has also been revealed that said organization lobbied the DOJ on behalf of getting all charges dropped against those New Black Panther Party racists in Philadephia?
Can you say "hypocrisy"?
A few days ago, I was in a bookstore and picked up (perused-not bought) that soapy book about Obama by Jonathan Alter (Promise). I wish I could have copied down the final paragraph in the book. It reads something like Obama as the first African-American president soaring on wings of eagles into history and carrying America to a better day... blah blah blah, woof, woof woof, quack quack quack. Don't quote me, but that's pretty much the tone.
And this guy calls himself a serious journalist?
Too bad Jonathan wasn't in the Oval Office lapping at Obama's feet when he selected Jacob Lew to be the director of the OMB (Office of Management and Budget for you UC Santa Cruz Commumnity Studies majors). And what are Mr Lew's qualifications to manage the budget? Well, Mr Lew comes to us from Citi Bank, a recipient of TARP Funds. Lew was running the CitiBank Alternative Investments branch, basically a hedge fund operation that actually made money off of predicting the collapse of the housing market.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful ah."
When I read that some American University history professor had come up with a 13 point formula predicting that Obama would be re-elected, I thought; "Oh no. Another genius professor with a harebrain scheme". Lo and behold, it's not just any harebrain professor; it's Alan Lichtman, the guy we occasionally see on talking heads TV, the liberal guy that acts like he's getting his 15 minutes of fame on some reality show. Now I really feel good about the next election.

"Die Hard" was Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson was "Lethal Weapon". Do you think that Russian woman, who tried to tie him to her by having his baby is blameless? He already has seven children, why did she think she was so special.
Do you watch movies because you like the action or the actor? If you select the movies you watch because of the morals of the performers you should only see animated movies.
lethal Weapon, Die Hard-all the same-dopey movies. I was talking about the ones with Mel and danny-two dopes.
I don't go to the movies much because most movies are so divorced from reality. As for the morals of the actors- not quite, but I refuse to give my money to to people like Glover, Penn, Fonda, Sarandon and others. It's a personal choice as to how I spend my money. Now I have added Gibson to that list.
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