"The U.S. cannot make up any excuses in this incident," said Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani on Friday, according to state-run Press TV.
C'mon. I got an alibi. Thursday I was teaching a class at UC-Irvine followed by lemonade and cookies at a local confectionary.

And I got witnesses.

"He was with us the whole time."
Obama? He was in some place called Bullsnuts, Michigan making a speech about the great economic job he is doing. Hillary was in an airplane somewhere being refueled in mid-air as she was circumnavigating the globe in search of her first diplomatic success. Our hands are clean.

"Don't look at me."
Of course, why wouldn't the mad mullahs suspect the US? After all, suicide bombings are right up our alley, right? That's what we know how to do. Everybody knows that that part of the world has no expertise in making bombs nor anyone crazy enough to carry out a suicide attack.
Of course, that didn't stop the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, Ali Khamenei, from accusing the Obama administration of being "wicked and unreliable". Bet your socks that Monday, Keith Olbermann will be referring to Khamenei as "a slack-jawed tea-bagger."

Gary, did you ever hear about Boobquake? You can read about it here. If you just want the short version, it goes like this:
Iranian clerics were saying that women wearing revealing clothing was the cause of Earthquakes. A college student, in order to test their theory, encouraged women around the world to wear "immodest" clothing on April 19 (of this year) to see if any earthquakes would then follow. Her experiment got a lot of media attention, and a lot of women followed suit.
Suffice it to say, there weren't any significant earthquakes. Maybe we can encourage a similar sort of experiment with this current debacle (if you can even call it that).
I know all about it. Amazing how a country with a lot of smart educated people could be run by such clowns.
We should talk!
There isn't enough data on the Boobquake. Perhaps thousands of good-looking Hollywood wanna-bees can run through the streets topless it might produce the desired effect. Or at least a rise in male spirits.
Worth a second, third or forth try.
Pity I can't postr my picture of the Afflack Duck in the comments section.
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