Emanuel had this to say:
"Hayward has committed yet another in a "long line of PR gaffes".
"He has his life back" added Rahmbo, a sarcastic reference to Hayward's previous comment about getting his life back (once the oil spill was resolved).
And where was President Obama Saturday while that boob Hayward was yachting in England?

That's right. He was playing golf with Joe Biden.

Are you serious? Seriously? You're going to critique Obama for playing golf while there's a disaster going on?
You've gotta be kidding me. How do you think Obama would stack up with Bush when it comes to how many hours each one has spent golfing and going on vacation?
I was pointing out the irony of Emanuel blasting Hayward while Obama was on the links. I could also poin t out Obama chose to be at a fundraiser instead of the memorial service for the oil rig workers, but I won't.
Yet you just did!
Yes, Lance, I sure did. It's a little literary trick I have.
Mr Obama has played golf much more than Bush and I think more than any other president.
I could make a reasonable case for Hayward, but he didn't make it very well for himself. His choice of words did convey a certain disdainful arrogance for the victims of his company's negligence.
If the man lives in Great Britain, has family there, etc., I don't consider it a great moral failing that he took some time to go home. He could have said, this is a long-term problem, I have thousands of BP staff working on it, nothing is going to slow down or cease because of my personal absence from the USA. Like every human being, I need a break now and then. If anything requires my immediate decision, I am reachable by email, blackberry, cell phone, satellite channel, etc.
That would have been all right. "I want my life back," when thousands of fishermen in Louisiana can't have their lives back, is a bit callous.
Pls see my response to Lance.
I agree with Ingrid. If I tried to loop that back through Gary's incoherent response to Lance, I would loose track of why, or about what, or any thought worthy of the human mind.
I try to give a rat's ass. When I was unemployed, had a few hours work here and there, and was spending down my savings, I decided my savings were more than most Haitians make in a year, so with an earthquake on top of that, I could part with some of it. But it wasn't much relative to the sheer number of children living on garbage heaps waiting for rainstorms to wash away the ground under their tents.
During my 25 years with Customs and DEA, I had prescious little free time. I also can appreciated that. I was merely reacting to Rahm Emanuel's criticism of Hayward.
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