"And our landing craft are powered by solar energy!"

"Saving fuel while crossing the Rhine-and reducing our carbon footprint"
Check out this exchange Wednesday between General David Petraeus and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), where she asked him about saving energy at our bases in Afghanistan.

I am speechless.
Of course, who can blame the general for not having a coherent response to such an absurd question? Does this airhead woman not know there is a war going on in Afghanistan?
Can you imagine General Eisenhower sitting in England in 1944 and trying to contemplate how to save energy in the Normandy invasion?
Somebody help me.
We can go back to using cavalry (horse not armored)as an offensive weapon. We can power our warships with sails. Perhaps we can use some sort of solar device to power our aircraft.
Lord help us all. We are in a pickle with these people. They would be funny if not so dangerous.
This is what is running our country.
How fortunate for us all that President Obama is more pragmatic than the right honorable representative from Arizona.
It is worthy of somewhat more attention that we are somehow fighting a war in a manner which requires that as much fuel is used transporting fuel to remote duty stations as the fuel we deliver.
Sometimes logistical absurdities are a clue that we shouldn't be there at all. We should have kicked butt in 2001-2002, then pulled out, and let our gallant allies from the Northern Alliance work out the details for themselves. Hamid Karzai was the man our then-president forced onto them because the neo=con national builders figured a Pashtun would mollify the southern half of the population. Well, our service men and women are now, essentially, shedding their blood to keep a man in power whose priorities are family, tribe, nation, in that order.
Did anyone consider that genuine energy efficiency might actually assist the war effort, such as it is?
I'll pass it on the Gabrielle. She could use a little moral support right now.
Speaking of cavalry, I just read about a research project to develop robots that run on grass and twigs, used to run a little steam boiler which generates electric power. The military is trying to get one worked up to the point it could drive a humvee. This does seem to be getting back to something like horses -- which grazed on grass rather than needing tankers of oil, but often did need forage when the army moved through terrain that didn't have enough. Nothing new under the sun.
I don't live in Arizona Gary, so I can't help you. I don't live in Minnesota either, but I do take a neighborly interest in the occasional cockroach infestations across the river.
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