Hannover City Hall
This latest outrage comes to us courtesy of Europe News.com of Denmark and concerns a recent street fair in a Hannover suburb. When a Jewish dance troup appeared on stage, they wer greeted with insults ("Juden raus", and hit with stones and pebbles forcing them to leave the stage. (Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism)
In addition, here is a report from the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (in German).
Police have thus far identified 6 youths between 9-19 years of age involved, all of Middle Eastern origin except oner who is North African. In addition, anti-Semitic incidents have been increasing in the Hannover area according to the above article.
What is clear that while the Germans have done a commendable job of educating their own youth about the Nazi era and the dangers and evils of anti-Semitism, they have not gotten this message through to their Middle Eastern and certain Russian immigrant populations.
The Germans did such a great job that they stood there and let the Jews be attacked.
I guess they were waiting to see if the Arabs were going to be arrested before they joined in on the fun.
Good point, Findalis. Problem is they, like the rest of the Euros, can't stand up to this.
Most civilians in most western countries don't get involved in most crimes they witness, because we have all been trained to "let the police handle it." Then, the police find that its a little too much for the forces they have on hand...
...it is commendable that the police identified a good number of those responsible.
Recently I was waiting for my little brother outside his elementary school, and I observed another student giving an aide a very hard time, screaming, falling on the ground, running away, trying to pull out of her grasp. The kid was obviously out of his mind, not just being bad, but I thought, perhaps I should offer some assistance. But no, there are so many policies, procedures, protocols, liability issues, schools generally discourage that.
However, when he broke from her grasp, made a beeline to a little girl sitting on a bench waiting for her ride home, and put his hands in her face, I promptly grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him away. About ten second later a uniformed school employee took over, which was also good. She appreciate that I had acted, being closer.
So, should all those Germans have said something to the kids? It would have been a good idea. Western culture in general is not conducive to such responses, and it does require a bit of leadership to get something like that started.
It would be appropriate for some Germans to organize to firmly tell their Arabic and Russian neighbors, "our great grandparents tried that, and its not going to happen here again."
Ask anyone who has been in law enforcement (inc myself) how many times they have intervened while off duty in an incident where someone was being assaulted. It is true that the average citizen doesn't react that way. Germany must react strongly to these incidents for no other reason than its unique history.
Your last statement is beyond argument. I'm not clear on whether off duty law enforcement officers were available in this crowd at the time.
It is also true, of course, that off duty officers have used their training to indulge in petty revenge and self aggrandizement, and that off duty or on duty white officers have shot and killed off duty black officers trying to respond appropriately to a crime in progress.
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