
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hilda's Hotline to Illegal Aliens

Here is Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis speaking to illegal aliens and giving them a hotline number to report employers who don't pay them enough.

Look, I think it would be wrong for exploitive employers to pay someone $2 an hour because they know the worker is an illegal. I get that.

But what kind of a message does this send to those in Mexico thinking of coming to the US?

"Come one, come all. The US Government is on your side."

This is just another piece of evidence that our government has no intention of securing our borders. It is disgraceful.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

It means nothing of the kind. Massive movement of Mexicans into the United States began with employers seeking cheap labor, to be housed in shacks that "you hate to see white people living in." It takes two to tango. Enforcing wage and hour laws on employers is one component of stopping massive illegal immigration. When employers have to pay in full for work performed, they might even consider hiring some of those lazy unemployed Americans who would rather collect unemployment than work for $2 an hour.

That leaves other components to be taken care of: controlling the borders is a legitimate issue. Controlling our national parks is a legitimate mission for the federal government. Too bad Bush sent so much of our reduced-force army overseas when they are needed in Arizona.

But Solis is duty-bound to do exactly what she is doing. In fact, people who consider immigrating because "I will work for peanuts and work hard all day long" may think twice about whether this will get them a job anymore.