"Viva Palestina founder George Galloway, speaking to a crowd of around 20,000 protesting outside the Israeli Embassy in London, revealed the latest plan to bring about the end of the siege on Gaza.
Two simultaneous convoys - one by land the other by sea - will set forth on SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12th bound for Gaza. Viva Palestina, the International Committee to break the Siege on Gaza and any allies who will join us will organise the two
The land convoy will leave from London and travel across Europe to Turkey Syria and ultimately through the Rafah Gate into Gaza. Co-operation will be offered and sought with all relevant governments and agencies. It is expected the convoy will
pick up vehicles and volunteers in each country through which it passes. The target is to enter Gaza with 500 vehicles.
The sea convoy will travel around the Mediterranean gathering ships, cargo, volunteers from each country. The target is to enter Gaza with sixty ships.
The aim will be to arrive on Gaza's frontiers at the same time. And to enter with the world's largest ever aid convoys. And to thereby render the siege null and void."
Well, as Paul Revere used to say, "One if by land; two if by sea."
I guess Georgie will be on the land mission since he is persona non grata in Egypt since his last convoy to that country resulted in two riots and one dead Egyptian border guard.
Here is a sneak preview of what to expect.
Since this will be a long voyage, at each stop George will make speeches to the assembled multitudes, flanked by his brothers-in-arms.

There will be meetings with important world leaders at each stop.

Of course, entertainment will be a must for the weary travelers. There will be fashion shows en route.

Educational seminars and notable speakers will also be provided. I recommend that great independent scholar with a PHD from Princeton, Norman Finkelstein. He's always looking for gigs to fill in his schedule.

Arts and crafts.

Perhaps some online Spanish lessons courtesy of that great humanitarian website La Voz de Aztlan.
And a friendly crew to welcome you aboard and tend to your every need.

Unfortunately, no alcohol will be permitted on the convoy(s), but there will be plenty of milk available for the thirsty travelers.

Look for "peace activists" like Greta Berlin, pictured below (on the right) to either be on board or be flitting around at various ports of call. She was involved on that last "humanitarian mission" that ended up oh so bad.

Of course, we don't want Gorgeous George to get lonely on that long voyage, so while nobody is looking, there will be some female entertainment at his discreet beck and call.

So let's all look forward to the next exciting Viva Palestina convoy-especially after having to suffer through weeks of that boring World Cup (which may still be going on come September).
Gary, you remember the story of the Trojan horse? If you were thinking, you and some of your buddies would buy up some illegal armament, join the crusade (pun intended -- the Crusaders slaughtered Muslims, Jews and Christians indiscriminately), and slip into Gaza, where you could pull off a tightly organized coup with your well disciplined and highly skilled elite corps, driving Hamas into the sea!
Oh, I'm sorry, I blew your cover. Well, frankly, I think Galloway will be lucky to pick up one car per country, except in Turkey, and I give you 17 to 5 odds he never makes it to Rafah.
What possible interest would I have in doing that?
I thought you might want to take the opportunity to straighten out matters in the middle east, offering a better solution than Hamas, Obama, or the crew of the Rachel Corrie, have offered.
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