(Fox News, of course-who else is reporting this?)
And guess what else. The Border Patrol cannot take vehicles into that area because of environmental regulations!

Ahh, but not to worry; Ken Salazar the head chingon of the Department of Interior, is working hard to find a solution.....
"The Interior Department has said that Secretary Ken Salazar is trying to work with the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to 'meet the twin goals of protecting our national security and our natural resources."
.....just as soon as he gets that oil gusher capped in the Gulf of Mexico.
And you are condemning the state of Arizona for their new law? It's the Feds responsibility, you say, to enforce our borders? Now we know what the Feds are doing down there in Arizona.
They are closing Buenos Aires National Park off to Americans because, in reality, it belongs to the Mexican cartels, smugglers and illegal aliens. You can tell me all you want that I shouldn't go to Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez or Matamoros because they are too dangerous. Don't tell me that I can't go to an area of the US because it is too dangerous. If it is too dangerous due to lawlessness, then I say to the Feds-go in there and clean it up.
What we need is a president who will say,

"From Day One I have gathered all the top minds, academics, Nobel Prize winners, and experts together. From Day One, we have had thousands of personnel in the region working to clean it up...."
Oh, he already said that? Silly me.
When my sister was doing her residency in the Bronx, she thought of eating her brown bag lunch in the park across the street from the hospital. She was warned not to do that, because periodic drug sweeps of the park grabbed everyone, and sorted them out later. Sort of a similar situation, no? An American citizen can't eat her lunch in a city park on American soil because of drug trafficking.
Fox News is a well known propaganda organ, more interested in highlighting embarrassing angles than in-depth reporting. I wouldn't, myself, be opposed to sending the army in. If the president of Mexico does that, can we do less? It is not clear what, if anything, the U.S. government is considering, and I doubt that Fox News would have bothered to ask.
This does point out an interesting problem with wildlife refuges and open space. It can only exist in a stable, calm, well-policed situation. Otherwise, its a vacuum that will be entered into and used. That's true in many of Africa's civil wars as well.
Yes but the Bronx is not adjacent to another country whose people can literally make it de facto part of their own country and keep Americans out.
Once again, you guys want to shoot the Fox messenger. If not for Fox, you would not even know.
You seem rather blase about this. Is it ok with you?
Frankly, if criminal syndicates are controlling the parkland, I don't much care if they are American citizens, Mexican citizens, or Russian citizens. I want them out no matter who they are.
I haven't heard that Felipe Calderon has jurisdiction over the people who seem to be in de facto physical control. Is it OK with me? No. Am I convinced that the U.S. government is in fact willing to let the situation remain as it is? Not until I hear it from someone besides Fox News.
Are you aware that the BP is prohibited from using vehicles in that area because of environment concerns? Are you aware that the BP now has to pay for the enviro damage they do to the border area by their patrols-money they need for enforcement?
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