Andrew Gutierrez, Professor at UC Berkeley
(Hat tip to Fatima at Arab Lesbians Against Hate)
Yesterday, I posted an article about swastikas being discovered on the UC Berserkley campus last week and a resultant student demonstration protesting against anti-Semitism. Who could object to that?
Meet Professor Andrew Gutierrez

(hat tip to an anonymous commenter for sending me the link to this video)
What people like Gutierrez (an anti-Israel professor and Israel divestment petition signer) don't get is that there is a rise in anti-Semitism which should be opposed by everyone no matter where one stands on the Israel-Palestinian issue. So a group of students protest against swastikas on campus and this guy comes out to heckle them while they are speaking?
Well, what can you expect?
And a special salute to Fatima at Arab Lesbians Against Hate, which I have linked to this site.
This student blog does a nice job of chronicling anti-Semitism at the UC Berkeley campus
Thank you. I will check it out.
What does this professor teach?
I am afraid to ask.
He teaches in some sort of environmental science dept. I don't recall the exact name.
Having grown up and entered adulthood shortly before and after 1970, I have little respect for would-be amateur revolutionaries who settled for being well paid college professors, who in many cases (not all) don't know much but are skilled at spouting unsubstantiated opinion.
However, on this video, I can barely hear Professor Gutierez, although his mouth opens often. I do hear someone off camera with a bullhorn, saying b.s. every few sentences, in the midst of an incoherent tirade. So, why should we all be paying attention to their petty shouting matches anyway?
It is newsworthy because a group of mostly students was protesting hate and being heckled by a professor. The professor and his wife are anti-Israel activists.
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