
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Snarlin' Arlen is Snarlin' Now

The Associated Press has just called the Democratic primary race for Senator for Joe Sestak over Snarlin' Arlen Specter. How sweet it is.

Specter's one or two-minute concession speech said nothing about congratulating Sestak or whether he will support him. He gave a curt thank you to President Obama for his "support", thanked his followers and walked off the stage (snarlin').

(Meanwhile at MSNBC, the mood is somber.)

Specter's switch from Republican to Democrat apparently left the old codger confused as he has been making verbal gaffes referring to Democrats as Republicans. Maybe he completely forgot which party he belongs to.

Anyway, I'm glad to see Specter gone. I thought he was a jerk even when he was a Republican. Of course, knowing his ego, maybe he'll keep running as an independent.

And you know where that will get him.....


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I definitely prefer Sestak. Spector was a good Republican, but this is hardly the year for the Democrats to be giving sanctuary to an old hack. The more new fresh faces they offer, the better their chances. Ditto for the Republicans. Voters don't want to put either party in a decisive position of power, nor throw either party out, but voters do want to throw a whole lot of incumbents out in both parties. Obama is missing the boat on that point. Voters STILL want change!

Gary Fouse said...

One thing overlooked is that the tea party folks are also angry with Republicans who have become corrupted and compromised.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yes, the pundits do miss that the Tea Party was as much a rebellion against George W. Bush as against anyone. It started in 2008, and held its first rally when Obama had been in office for less than a month.

If it wasn't embracing and being embraced by portions of the Republican Party, it could have been an interesting component of shaping what "change looks like." I'm afraid as the Republican theme song its going to go down to a bit part by November. Now an Obama / Tea Party coalition, vs. Pelosi and Cantor, Reid and McConnell, could have been fascinating.