
Monday, May 24, 2010

Profiles in Courage for Raising Taxes

Did'ya watch "Good Morning America" this morning with George Stephanopoulos?

Well, I didn't, but I heard about it. If you did, you saw one of the biggest shams since the Cincinnati Reds "won" the 1919 World Series against the Chicago "Black Sox". Four California hack legislators received the John F Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award for......

raising taxes.

Yes, Karen Bass (D), Darrell Steinberg (D), Mike Villines (R) and Dave Cogdill (R) won the award for sticking California taxpayers with a tax hike of about $1,000 per family because California needed to close its budget deficit.

And as boy genius Stephanopoulos put it, they won the award even through their measure "failed". Failed as in not closing the deficit. The tax hike "worked". We are paying the increased tax.

Then to make things even more absurd, fellow "genius" Caroline Kennedy explained to Boy George how these 4 yo-yos showed how people must have the courage to "reach across the aisle and work together."

Yes, Caroline, reach across the aisle and work together to raise taxes.

Cogdill and Villines, both Republicans, had pledged not to raise taxes. But according to the Kennedys, breaking pledges takes "courage".

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