America's Wackiest University

Professor Trotsky: "Welcome students to the final term of Community Studies 101. First, I will take roll. Please raise your hands if you are present.
Eric Holder
Janet Napolitano
John Brennan
Hilda Solis
Van Jones
Kevin Jennings
Harold Koh
Andy Stern
Marc Lloyd
Petey Smith
I note that all are present. Is there anyone whose name I didn't call?"
"Me. Hillary Rodham, Professor."
Trotsky- "Ah yes. Here it is."

"Very well. I am now going to assign you your term paper, which will be due at the end of the course. I am now passing out copies of Arizona bill SB1070, that illegal, unconstitutional, racist, un-American law passed in order to commit genocide against people with brown skin. Your assignment is to read the bill and write an essay on why it is unconstitutional."
Holder: "Professor, do we have to read the whole bill? We only have 10 weeks."

Trotsky: "Yes. You must read all 10 pages of it in order to fully understand how unconstitutional it is."
Napolitano: "How long does the essay have to be?"
Trotsky: "Between one and two paragraphs."
Jones: "What about texts?"
Trotsky: "Your textbooks are as follows:
"The Anarchist's Cookbook"
"Dreams of my Father"
"The Authorized Biography of Saul Alinsky"
In addition, there is one journal requirement.......

Hundreds of issues are available in the campus library."
Smith: "Professor, what if we decide the law is constitutional?"
Trotsky:..............What is your name?"
Smith: "Smith, Sir. Petey Smith."

Trotsky: "Report to the dean's office, you little counter-revolutionary."
Gary, are you recommending an ice pick or an ice ax? You know Stalin would have shared your contempt for UC Santa Cruz. (As a matter of fact, I don't think much of it either). Now, does all of this mean anything significant?
Lighten up and enjoy the humor, will ya?
There is not humor in the left.
There is not humor in the left.
Now that's just dumb. Most humor is dominated by the left. In fact, most popular humor has a leftist slant. What right-wing comedians are there? Larry the Cable Guy? You guys can have him. And Dennis Miller, I suppose, but he's less and less funny all the time.
I think Larry the Cable Guy is very funny.
What left? Is there even a working class left in the United States? I haven't noticed any red flags waving over Starbucks. Humor? Well, that was my point I guess. What humor? There doesn't seem to be much on the ... no, there isn't a "right" anymore either.
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