The state of California has an important election coming up in November, that for the US Senate seat currently held by Democrat Barbara Boxer, who has been a disaster during her time in Congress. Who will oppose Boxer in November for the Republicans depends on an upcoming primary, in which three Republicans are vying for the right to run against Boxer in the general election. They are Carly Fiorina, a businesswoman (Hewlitt-Packard), Tom Campbell and Orange County State Assemblyman Chuck Devore. While Devore, who has less funding at his disposal, is running behind the other two, he is clearly the best choice, from a conservative point of view, to run against Boxer.
Devore served in the Reagan administration within the Department of Defense in the 1980s. He has also served in the US Army Reserves attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel. He describes himself as a "common-sense conservative".
At the local level in Orange County, DeVore (who studied in Cairo, Egypt) took an active interest in the on-going mess at UC Irine involving the Muslim Student Union. He has attended speaking events sponsored by the Muslim Student Union at UCI whereby he successfully challenged a policy that observers could not videotape these events. The MSU had decreed that attendees could not videotape the events, which the UCI administration tried to enforce. DeVore asked, "Under whose authority?" As a result, these events are now videotaped and documented for the public's awareness of what is being said at these events.
Devore also challenged the MSU's attempt to enforce segregated (by gender) seating at their events. He sat down among the females at an MSU event and refused to move to the other side of the room when asked by the feckless UCI officials who were trying to enforce the MSU's policy of segregated seating in a public forum.
In contrast, what has leading contender Tom Campbell done in this area?
Well, a few years ago, he wrote a letter of defense on behalf of University of S. Florida professor (and now imprisoned terrorist supporter) Sami al-Arian, when the university was deciding whether to get rid of the radical Islamist professor.
Now Campbell is going around parading himself as a "Reagan Republican"-a real conservative.

I don't know how Fiorina would do as Senator since she has no political track record. I don't trust Campbell after his defense of al-Arian. To me, the best choice from a conservative point of view is Chuck DeVore.
Does Devore have a website or link for political donations? I'd be happy to cross post that on my site or on FB.
I am unaware. He is an state assemblyman for Orange County.
The website is:
Devore also challenged the MSU's attempt to enforce segregated (by gender) seating at their events. He sat down among the females at an MSU event and refused to move to the other side of the room when asked by the feckless UCI officials who were trying to enforce the MSU's policy of segregated seating in a public forum.
While I don't know enough about the guy to have a really strong opinion one way or the other, I think that was pretty cool. If the MSU wants gender-segregated meetings during their own meetings, that's fine. But if they want to go out into a public forum, then they have to play by the rules of this country.
Well said, Lance. If that's what they do in the mosques, I don't care. Not in a room in a public university, however.
Ahhh...this reminds me of that time you and I teamed up against that one fanatic who said that Ayaan Hirsi Ali shouldn't be allowed to criticize Islam. Good times.
Like when you told me that every 12hours a broken clock has the right time.
Candidates for public office parading as paragons of the "Reagan Revolution" is rather like if Michael Dukakis had campaigned in 1988 under the slogan "Save the New Deal."
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