Ho hum.
Actually, it was quite entertaining even if you can't understand how that dern parliamentary system works.
To help sort it all out, the BBC has this reporter named Jeremy (of course) Vine, who uses.......
Introducing the SWINGOMETER.
Amazing! Actually, it reminds me of those weather patterns you see on the 11 o'clock news that I haven't been able to figure out to this day, but what do I know? I'm just a colonist.
They also have this quaint old custom of having all the local candidates stand together on a stage as the results are announced, kind of like the old Queen for a Day Show where one lucky contestant wins a dishwasher. (Actually, dishwashers weren't yet invented when that show went off the air.)The winner steps forward, puts on a crown and gives a victory speech as the losers walk off the stage into obscurity.
Speaking of which, your friend and mine, George Galloway (pictured below on the left).....

Galloway and friend viewing the election results on the telly.
...lost his seat in County Bullsnuts, largely because his core constituency doesn't believe in elections. They're too busy with the jihad to bother with that sort of thing. When Georgie went into their slums to campaign last month, he got the tar knocked out of him. Georgie didn't even have the class to show up for the results.
Another loser was the hapless Gordon Brown, as the conservatives cleaned up last night. Nevertheless, Brownie, who's been doing a "heck of a job", declared he is ready to form a coalition government and remain as Prime Minister!!??!

How does that work? Reminds me of Jimmy Carter after Reagan won 57 states...

"I don't think that's funny."
..as I was saying, Carter to this day is trying to form a coalition government.

"I don't think that's funny."
So, in spite of the conservative landslide, it still remains to be seen who will be the next head of government in Britain. Me? I'm putting my Euros on this lad:

(What's the Swingometer reading on that?)

"Now that's funny!"
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