
Thursday, April 1, 2010

More "Free Speech" in Belgium

(Hat tip to Europe News DK)

The below video comes from the University of Antwerp on March 31, 2010, when Dutch writer Benno Barnard tried to give a speech entitled, "The Islam debate: Long live God-down with Allah". Here's what happened. (Sub-titles are in German. The head text reads, "The end of freedom of expression. Muslims prevent author's lecture in Antwerp.")

If any of you think this video is reminiscent of the February 8th event at the University of California at Irvine, when Israeli ambassador Michael Oren had his speech disrupted by members of the Mslim Student Union, it is interesting to note that the Belgian Muslim group Sharia4Belgium showed the UCI video to their readers on their website while organizing their own protest (hat tip to Gates of Vienna).

The Islam debate of Benno Barnard

"Assalam alaykoem wa rahmatoelah wa barakatoehoe, Dear Muslim brother / sister

The enemy of our religion again has gone a step closer towards their overt insult to Islam and its followers. On Wednesday, March 31, 2010 the vrijzinnige dienst of the University of Antwerp, is organizing a lecture with as title: “The Islam debate: long live God, away with Allah!”

The guest speaker is the Dutch poet Benno Barnard, who is also known as one of the most radical Islam-bashers in the Low Countries, or to say it using their beautiful words: one of the leading Islam critics!

Central to the lecture is “political” Islam, which according to him is the cause of the standoff with Western ideologies, headed by humanism (or vrijzinnigheid [liberalism]) The title however, betrays his intentions, and is yet another slap in the face of the Muslim community!

And this way it is announced on the website Liberales [liberal think tank with close contacts within the University of Antwerp] — translator]:

Benno Barnard on “The Islam debate. Long live God, away with Allah!”

“Of course every Muslim, like any other human being, is a barrel full of influences, of which the Belgians are not the least important. But that same barrel can be filled with explosives through the funnel of tradition… Our confrontation must concern an ideology! Namely that of political Islam, which unfortunately is so difficult to separate from Islam at all.” This is the sixth lecture in the series “Our Values. What future for humanism?” Location: City campus of the University of Antwerp, Rodestraat 14, admission is free.

Do we as Muslims just let this happen or do we answer this pure provocation with a sharp tongue…?

Here is a preview of how our Muslim brothers in the United States deal with such “guests” (on the website they have the video shown below of the attempted speech of Michael B. Oren, Israeli ambassador to the United States, which was made impossible by Muslims at University of California Irvine on February 8, 2010)


Don’t forget that this dien is an amaanah, which Allah ta3ala has placed on our neck! Anyone who reads this call and throws in the towel will be questioned on Yaum Al Qiyaama. “What did YOU do in the defense of your faith?!?”

Sharia4Belgium Group

It's long past time to start paying attention to what is going on in Europe. As I have said repeatedly, in Europe, it's the 1930s again. Not only are Jews being assaulted and harassed in the large cities, but this is what has happened to free speech.

(No arrests were made.)


DSL. said...

As I have said repeatedly, in Europe, it's the 1930s again.


Now we know European history never was Gary's strong suit - at two blogs.

At least after the departure in a puff of dear old DADvocate, we can sleep easily knowing the neocon Kool-Aid stand is still in the finest pedigreed hands, ready as ever to rot the teeth and swell the guts of the more impressionable among the Alexandrian youth. Doesn't Frau Merkel make the most stunning of Führers?

Mark Steyn called - he wants his sharia of the proceeds.

"I take my yarmulke off to Herr Fouse - we should see such Producers of unwitty slapstick - oy, my head, already" - Mel Brooks, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Gary Fouse said...


Now that you have come out with all your piffy (and frankly silly)little points, it would have been better had you refuted my point. I won't bother to debate my Euro bonafides with you, but if you know anything about Europe in the 30s, and you see Jews being harassed and assaulted in European cities by young Muslim thugs while timid governments turn their heads and try to prohibit criticism of such behavior, you might rethink your position. Ask yourself why Geert Wilders is undergoing criminal prosecution in Holland for expressing his opinion. I also suggest you do some research into what is going on in Malmo, Sweden, where the last remnants of the Jewish community is being driven out by persecution while the city govt. ignores the problem.

As for Merkel, she is one of the better European leaders and Germany stands taller than other European countries because of its history. They recognize their responsibility much better than other nations.

So I suggest you do some research-then come back with your goofy incoherent comments. I've just given you some facts. See how you can do other than your insulting remarks.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

While I don't think that DSL does a very good job of making his (her?) case, I do think that it's erroneous to compare this to Germany in the 1930s. The only common factor is the anti-Semitism.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that it's not a problem, and I'm not saying that it shouldn't be a cause for concern.

However, you basically have one minority group bashing another with this case. During the 1930s, the anti-Semitism was mainstream, and encouraged by the country's leaders.

Is it a problem? Yes. However, it's a different sort of a problem that will play out totally differently.

Gary Fouse said...


I can only hope that you are correct. The point I am trying to make is that European leaders are not standing up to a hateful force that is targeting the few Jews left in Europe. Strangely enough, they are turning their heads in the name of "tolerance" (to Muslims). It is cowardice at a time when courage is needed.

DSL. said...

Outside of your laughable and historically-illiterate 2010s-as-1930s horseshit, I have no quarrel with you whatever.

Stick to your long suit, the facts. As for analysis, your mouthwash ain't makin' it.

Findalis said...

Lance tell that to the Jews of Malmo whose mayor said: "The only cause of anti-Semitism in Malmo are the Jews. The Jews are causing it themselves."

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Agreed - but again, that's not really analogous to the 1930s. It's a whole new set of problems.

Gary Fouse said...


When you say that one minority group is bashing another, that is not correct. Jews in Europe are not attacking Muslims, burning their mosques or desecrating their cemeteries.

Gary Fouse said...


I have a quarrel with you. Frankly, your language is obnoxious, and your "comments" are no longer welcome on fousesquawk.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

The minority group that I meant was the Muslims. They are bashing another - the Jews.

Gary Fouse said...

Thanks for clearing that up, Lance, but why do the Europeans let it happen?

Ingrid said...

Gary, I have tried to explain why the Germans aren't doing anything. It has to do with their history and their general indifference and apathy. I don't know about the rest of Europe. Anti-Semitism is not dead.
DSL doesn't make any sense to me, I bet he is writing from Germany.

Gary Fouse said...


I just think we all have a moral responsibility to protect our fellow citizens from this kind of persecution.

As for DHL,I don't need his/her insults on this site.

Miggie said...

You are more right than you know. Those who have family stories of relatives who in the 30s went to the Police to report the vandalism by the Nazi Brownshirts thugs only to find that the police were Nazi sympathizers are very sensitive to the unfair application of the law.

We are also able to see what leads to what. These heckler vetoes that were used by the MSU and then in Belgium will become commonplace at UCI and other public forums of all types. The MSU suffered no consequences and went unscathed after the illegal Galloway fundraiser (as well as all their previous outrages). That led to the outbursts several months later at Ambassador Oren's address. Now it appears that that episode will pass without any effect on the MSU. The elasticity of the tolerance limits on the MSU by UCI seem to be boundless and the MSU are sure to take full advantage of the situation.

As far as DSL is concerned, his comments seemed to be inane and completely ignorant of world history. He had an agenda and could only attempt to insult you to make any point.

Gary Fouse said...

Thanks Miggie,

As for DSL, his writing is 90% unintelligible because he is trying to make his mark as a poet. Many of his sentences take up whole paragraghs.

You won't see him on this blog again.