Except, of course, for police, fire and other offices that bring in revenue.
The reason you see, has to do with the city's symbiotic relationship with the Department of Water and Power. The DWP was so afloat in money that they were kicking back tens of millions to the city every year so the city could pay their workers big bucks and big pensions. Now, however, the maniacs in Sacramento have passed all these "save the planet" environmental requirements that the DWP has to implement "green energy". Because of that, the DWP, faced with huge expenses, wanted the city to OK huge rate hikes in energy to the people (28%). The Board of Supervisors nixed that, so DWP has withheld $73 million that they were supposed to kick back to LA. Result?
LA will be broke around May 5th. Therefore, LA's genius mayor (Villaraigosa) has
decreed that the city will only run three days a week.
I'm not making this up, folks. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. No work. Where do I sign up for that job?

"Thank God it's Wednesday!"
But now the good news. The fewer days that LA city officials work, the less damage they can do to the residents of the city. Along those same lines, a proposed state ballot measure would limit our wacko state legislature to 90 days of work a year. I'm ready to vote for that.
I just hope voters remember all this when Villaraigosa shows up running someday for Senator, Vice President or...God forbid...

"I have good news, mein Fuehrer. We only have to work three days a week."
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