"This morning, President Ford announced the nomination of John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court".
This morning, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, whom many conservatives consider Gerald Ford's biggest pratfall, announced he is retiring from the Supreme Court. President Obama, in paying tribute to Stevens, described him as a justice who was "non-ideological". Is that an indication that the President will pick a successor who is not a committed liberal?
Forget about it.
CNN's "panel of experts" speculated this morning, that Obama might pick a "consensus builder" like Elena Kagan, presently the Solicitor General, someone who "has experience in working with conservatives", but who could turn out to be another unpredictable swing vote in future years like Anthony Kennedy.
Probabaly the best we conservatives could hope for, but I doubt it.
Let's face it; Obama will pick a liberal, someone vastly younger than Stevens (90), who can last decades on the bench. Who might that be?
Hell, if I know. If I had a clue, I would be sitting on CNN's "panel of experts" making guesses just like them.
But just for the fun of it, I will go out on a limb and guess two names.
Harvard's Laurence Tribe
UC-Irvine Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky.
(I hope I'm wrong.)
What would be ironic is the person he appoints turns out to be very far on the right!
Dream on.
I think we can expect a Goodwin Liu clone who will be described by Obama as a non-ideological and thoughtful person with a moving personal story who believes that social justice is all-important.
In other words, a liberal-progressive-socialist who is ideologically somewhere to the left of of Hanoi Jane Fonda.
Papa Bill,
You are a man with common sense and great perception.
You are a man with common sense and great perception.
These words and phrases have lost all meaning.
How do you disagree with Papa Bill's expert analysis? He is right on.
I hope Papa Bill is right. But I don't believe he is a man with great perception or common sense.
And I can't wait for the mudslinging to begin.
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