Fousesquawk University is proud to announce the world's first men's studies department, which will open for the fall quarter of 2010. We have hired some of the leading scholars on men in the country to be part of our exciting new program. In addition, we will be opening the new Jesse Ventura Library, which will hold tens of thousands of books by male authors including men of color as well as men of no color. In addition, the Ventura Library has been selected as the repository of the Schwarzenegger Papers, the documents, writings, and speeches of California's soon to be former governor.

We will also have an extensive film library with works such as "An Inconvenient Truth" from that great film maker of no-color, Al Gore.
The men's studies department will offer both major and minor degrees in men's studies as well as masters programs and doctoral programs in advanced men's studies. A doctorate in men's studies will enable you to become a professor in the area and teach men's studies to the next generation of macho students.
Here is our fall 2010 catalogue:
Straight studies
History of heterosexuality
Macho Interpretations of Northeastern thought
History of circumcision
Mustache styles in the 19th century
Theory of hen-pecked husbands
Men and underwear fashion; boxers, BVDs, skivvies and speedos
Advanced Macho theory
Beer and sex

Men's theories of death-Is there an afterlife for men?

Theories of modern day snoring
Beginning masochism
Intermediate masochism
Advanced masochism
The influence of Soccer on Exhibitionism

David Beckham fan
History of the Chippendales

Dave and Buster
Cheating politicians

Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana
Men in the 20th century
The penis monologues 101
The testicle monologues 202(Prerequisite: Successful completion of the penis monologues)
Famous macho men in the 14th century
Introduction to Voyeurism
The influence of Oscar Wilde on David Letterman
Sideburns and sexuality
Breaking through the stained-glass ceiling: Men in the Catholic Church
There are still plenty of spots available for students wishing to study in this important discipline. Send your letter of application to this blogsite in the comments section.
You forgot the course in strip club etiquette. Or is that a post-Grad course?
I need to find a "qualified instructor" for that.
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