
Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Continuing Saga of Maxine Waters' Hypocrisy

When it comes to hypocrisy, few can hold a candle to the odious congresswomen from California, Maxine Waters (D). I have previously pointed our her hypocrisy in accusing the CIA of funneling drugs into the inner city of Los Angeles (a preposterous claim) while intervening and shutting down a DEA investigation into a suspected cocaine trafficker in Houston-who just happened to be an old chum of her husband, Sidney Williams. Waters also screamed to the heavens about the corruption on Wall Street at the same time she was making sure her pal Barney Frank was setting aside stimulus money to a financial institution in Massachusetts in which her husband was involved.

Now the "Gentle Lady" from California is complaining about the "incivility coming from the right". The below video from Fox News shows the hypocrisy. It also features Waters calling Bush a "liar" on January 27, 2007.

(Fox News)

That's right. It wasn't so long ago that Waters was appearing before anti-war crowds and calling the then-President Bush, a "liar" and a "thief." The below video, dated June 16, 2005, was made by some group that agreed with Waters. It also features Cindy Sheehan and John Conyers. (This, of course, was before Conyers' own spouse was convicted on bribery charges in Detroit, where she was a high-ranking politician.

Regardless of what you think about George W. Bush, and regardless of which side of the political fence you sit, you have to admit that these two videotapes pretty much prove that Maxine Waters is a hypocrite.

1 comment:

Findalis said...

Me thinks the lady protests too much!