
Monday, March 1, 2010

Nancy Pelosi's Latest Talking Points

Nancy Pelosi's apple pie in the making

"Here you are, dearie. You'll like it once you try it. It's your 'healthy choice'"

Nancy Pelosi, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" and ABC's "This Week", is telling us that once we have government health care, we will learn to like it. She is predicting voters will warm up to the bill once they understand its details.

"When we have a bill," she said, "you can bake the pie, you can sell the pie. But you have to have a pie to sell."

She also told CNN that even though no Republicans vote for the Obama health care bill, it's still a "bi-partisan" bill.

Earlier this week, she urged House Democrats to vote for the bill even if it costs them their jobs-easy for her to say since she represents San Francisco.

And there's more.....

"Stop! Stop!

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