Hat tip to Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism and JTA
The above article is by JTA and concerns the anti-Semitic situation in Scandinavia.
As my readers know, I devote a lot of attention to the topic of anti-Semitism even though I am not Jewish myself. It doesn't matter that I am not Jewish-I care about it.
I have also been following the events in Europe, where I have lived a total of 8 years (Germany and Italy). The situation involving anti-Semitism is serious even though the Jewish population is small. (Don't ask why.)
The situation in Scandinavia-you know, those countries that pride themselves on being so open and tolerant-is also bad. I have been personally following and writing about the situation in Malmo, Sweden, where the last remaining Jews are getting out as fast as they can, and the mayor could care less because he is anti-Zionist-anti-Israel.

"Ja, allt ar god, Vi har inge problemerna, eller hur?" (Yes, everything is fine. We have no problems, right?)
"Just det." (Right.)
Let's call it what it is. The violence and harassment of Jews in Europe is mostly committed by young Muslim men. Even more despicable is the nonchalant reaction from the local governments. Why is that? It is because the local leaders are afraid to offend the Muslims. There is no other plausible explanation. Thus, they have allowed an immigrant group to come and impose their old hatred of Jews upon their own Jewish citizens.
Now one would ask, why should that be? Not all Muslims are engaged in these acts. It's mostly the young punks. Why would one object if a few young punks who commit crimes in their neighborhood are put away or deported? It would make the community better, wouldn't it? Silly me.
The fact is that Europe is reverting back to the 1930s, and once again, there are no leaders with the courage to stop this wave of hate dead in its tracks. Today's Brown Shirts are openly swaggering down the streets. The problem lies with European leaders, from mayors to legislators to prime ministers, to those empty suits in the European whatever they call it that sits...and sits...and sits in Strasbourg (European Parliament). How can they allow these outrages to happen to their Jewish citizens after what was visited upon them during World War II?
Tolerance? It is tolerance of intolerance. It is tolerance of the intolerable.
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