
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Guess Who Has a Terrorist Problem? Hamas

Can it be that in Gaza, the revolution is eating its own? Here's the story from Fox News:,2933,588254,00.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Flatest+%28Text+-+Latest+Headlines%29

Can't you just wait until that glorious day when Palestine becomes part of the "Family of Nations"?

But you see, this is what happens when you have all those pent-up frustrations boiling over on the part of the Jihadists who can't get into Israel cuz of that dern wall!

You see, this is all Israel's fault. They must tear down that "Apartheid Wall" and let the Gazans back into Israel proper so they can resume those suicide bombings where they were meant to be.

Of course, these terrorist acts being conducted in Gaza are all part of that Mossad conspiracy, you know. It's time for the Norman Finklesteins of the world to get back out on the speaking trail and denounce these "crimes" by Israel. What we need is another series of "seminars" at our college campuses featuring all our "Middle East experts" to investigate and inform our students who is really behind all these Jihadis vs Jihadis acts of terror.

The Israelis (and don't forget the US and George Bush.)

1 comment:

Findalis said...

The chickens oops rats are coming home to roost!