"The only way I'm leaving here is in a box."
-David Paterson
Another day, another scandal for New York Governor David Paterson. Now the state Public Integrity Commission has charged that Paterson accepted free tickets to last year's opening World Series game at Yankee Stadium for himself and others, then lied under oath about his intent to re-pay the cost of the tickets.

Paterson, according to the report, only paid for the tickets after being confronted about the matter by a reporter. It is also reported that Paterson back-dated the check.

In spite of it all, Paterson is sticking to his assurances that he will not resign his post before his term is out- a pledge that seems more incredulous with each passing day.

Meanwhile, Paterson's Chief of Staff Lawrence Schwartz said that the governor was meeting with legislative leaders and staff Wednesday and that the fiscal crisis is Paterson's top priority.

"The governor is the governor," Schwartz said. "He's in charge."
Gary, this has nothing to do with the subject, though I think people get the government they diserve. Actually, I think you are overdoing the pictures a bit, and I am going to Erlangen tomorrow for a few days. There will be much of beer drinking, because the "Salvator" season has begun. I'll send you the bill.
Thanks for the suggestion. Sometimes I can't control myself with the pics. Enjoy the beer.
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