
Friday, March 19, 2010

Another Quote of the Day From...Joe Biden!

Here's ABC's interview of Joe Biden by Jake Tapper. Key quote? "You know we're gonna control the insurance companies."

Yet, ABC puts the focus on why Obama is not going to Indonesia. Biden is correct. They are going to control the insurance companies-to the point that they no longer exist. What else are they going to control?

Everything. Is that what you want, America?


Lance Christian Johnson said...

I sure don't want them to. I also want them to stop this whole "meat inspection" bullcrap along with making sure that my tap water is clean. If I want to get e coli poisoning, that's my business!

Unknown said...

I am still baffled that people, real, honest hard working people, don't see what this government is attempting to do. Even when good ole Joe Biden says were gonna control the insurance companies nobodies radar goes off and says, "ummm, maybe this isn't such a good idea to have government determining the amount of care I am getting."

I am simply stunned by the lack of involvement by the average joe in this country, most people simply have no clue what is you little eyes America and when you wake up you won't know what hit you.

That thought is sad, but I hope it does not come true.

May the sun not set on America!

Gary Fouse said...

And if I wanna eat and get fat that's my business too. I don't need the govt telling me whatI should eat and not eat.

Linnea Hannigan said...

The Masses are Asses. The creed of socialism. And they are right. Liberal Americans are asses. They voted for a guy because he was black and supposedly could speak in a really groovy way and walk with a dogwhistle swagger. He had NOTHING. NOTHING. No educational record. NONE. No experience in the real world. NONE. No exerience - NONE.

Now they, we, will pay the price for liberal voters' ignorance and stupidity. A pox be on every Obama voter, and may there be no Obamacare Community Physicians Assistant available to help them in their local community clinic.

The rest of us, who work for a living, who support ourselves, who will be responible no matter what, will end up with "concierge doctors" so that we can survive the pox of liberal stupidity. We'll hunker down and survive the blast.

How could anyone vote for these fools? Biden, the court jester who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag... Pelosi, dumb enough to think that praying to a Catholic Saint to pass an abortion bill might work...Reid who couldn't tie his own shoes if he tried.

Liberals don't want the responsibility of being adults and making the tough decisions. They don't want the responsibility of educating themselves to make the tough decisions - they'd rather have someone else do it for them.

Well, thank you very much, but I'll decide if I want salt on my food, or flouride in my water, or a hamburger and a coke for lunch, or Blue Cross or Kaiser.

Ship of fools...and to think I left Greece for THIS !

Gary Fouse said...


Greece is coming to you.

Lance Christian Johnson said... gosh, but you're a cartoon.

They voted for a guy because he was black and supposedly could speak in a really groovy way and walk with a dogwhistle swagger. did you know? That was my EXACT thought process when I voted for him! I love black guys who speak all groovy and can swagger. The only thing that would have really put him over the top was if he said things like "Chill, baby" during the debates.

He had NOTHING. NOTHING. No educational record. NONE. No experience in the real world. are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. You're wrong - factually wrong. As for the "real world" what exactly does that mean? Was he working in some alternate reality this whole time? Is this like one of those Twilight Zone episodes?

I could go on, but I love how much faith you guys all seem to be putting in the insurance companies - the very same ones who got us in this mess to begin with! The very same ones who are turning down Americans (who work for a living, thank you) because of any excuse they can come up with. You guys worry about things like "death panels" and that's exactly what we have right now. You worry about government control, but you can't see that a corporation is just one more giant that can control and crush you just as easily as the government can.

To conclude though, I'd just like to point out the irony of this statement:

They don't want the responsibility of educating themselves to make the tough decisions - they'd rather have someone else do it for them.

Considering that so-called conservatives tend to only be able to think and speak in simple-minded talking points, that's some funny stuff.