
Friday, March 12, 2010

Anjem Choudary Explains What He Wants

Hat tip to Wayward Infidal

This video interview comes from MEMRI. It was actually conducted by the Iranian English-language outlet Press TV on February 3, 2010. In the below video, British radical Muslim leader Anjem Choudary explains why he wants Britain to become an Islamic state under shariah law.

In his own words, Choudary frankly states that there would be no democracy, just a theocratic state where everyone is required to follow the laws of Allah-as fanatics like Choudary interpret them.


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Maybe I'm missing something because I'm not British, but I find this guy to be more terminally clueless than anything else.

Gary Fouse said...


What you are missing is that the guy is dangerous.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Well, I caught that too.