
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Random Shots in the Dark (23)

Speaking of global warming (all you folks back East, how y'all doing?), I see where IPCC head and literary great Rajendra Pachauri is lashing out at his critics, especially since his own country, India, is saying they'll have their own IPCC. Pachauri has reportedly told his enemies to smear asbestos on their faces.

Good God, do you know what the results of that would be?

"I don't think that's funny."

Did you see Barbara Walters last night interviewing all the wives of the errant politicians?


"How did that make you feel when.....?"

Interesting that of all the ones highlighted, only James McGreevey is no longer in office. All the others, Mark Sanford, Larry Craig, and David Vitter are still going right along as if nothing had happened. Somehow, Barbara forgot about John Ensign.

(Yes, they are all Republicans.) I guess that makes me a "moderate" blogger.

Of course, there is the king of philanders.....

"There are two Americas. And two John Edwardses."

Sorry, Bill. You're old news.

"I don't think that's funny."

Speaking of Edwards, I just got finished reading that book by Andrew Young. It's one of those "you can't put it down" books. Believe me-in this story, there are no heroes. Someday, they'll make a movie out of this train wreck. And who should play John Edwards?

How about Charlie Sheen?

And while we are on the subject, it looks like another political sex scandal is about to break. I can't name names, but I'll give you a clue.

"Is this the bedroom or a utility closet?"

Stay tuned.

I figure any day now the boys in the white coats are going come and take "Snarlin" Arlen Spector off to the funny farm, where life is wonderful every day and ....."

(That guy on the right is some pointy-head.)

I mean first, he jumps all over Michelle Bachman and tells her to act like a lady. Then he jumps up uninvited on a stage where his senatorial rival is trying to speak. Talk about needing some fresh blood in the Senate! That last State of the Union speech was like the Lawrence Welk show.

Meanwhile, out here in sunny California (actually, it's raining), Governor Katzenjammer and his Democratic co-conspirators in Sacramento are turning the state into a version of Bangladesh. I'm reading this book called, "Economics for Dummies". It says if you drive all the tax-payers and business owners out of the state (which is happening here), then you reduce your taxable revenue, right? That means you have to raise taxes on the saps who remain even if they are in the middle class. Makes sense to me, how about you?


Meanwhile, Katzenjammer thinks he's found the solution; ask the feds for a $7 billion bailout.

"No problem. We'll just give you another bailout."

And if you think that's bad, guess who the front-runner is to be our next governor?

Jerry Brown-and I don't mean Jerry Brown III. I mean...

The real deal.

Somebody please help me. Where can I go?


I got it!

"Now that's funny."

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