In yet another example of how the European press is running circles around our own on these global warming scandals, the Telegraph (UK) has published another story about the IPCC's reporting process.
So let me be sure I got this right; the IPCC and its Nobel prize-winning head Rajendra Pachauri used information about snow melting in the mountains based on a university student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine based on hikers' observations!!??!
I guess their next report will feature the latest quote from Professor bin Laden.
I'm sure my favorite kibbitzer, Lance, has a perfect explanation for this.
Come to think of it, last time I went to Germany, the beer seemed warmer. Hmmm. Maybe I can be quoted by the IPCC in their next report.

"Ja ja. Global warming."
All this does is show that there are some serious problems with the IPCC. I quote from the article:
"It can be revealed that the IPCC report made use of 16 non-peer reviewed WWF reports."
Hey, Gary, are you ever going to find some peer-reviewed research and take that on? Or shall you continue to shoot fish in a barrel?
I think that one of the reasons I just can't make my points clear to you is that you're basically an authoritarian. You think that by knocking down the IPCC and Al Gore, you're somehow destroying the theory of man-made global warming. I don't care about the IPCC any more than I care about Al Gore. I care about the evidence. I've presented you with some. All you've done is hemmed and hawed about the science being "mixed". And even at that, you're still not doing a very good job, because you can't give me any kind of a percentage of climatologists (in other words, people who know what they're talking about) who go along with your notion that it's all a hoax. (And please, spare me the, "I've always said that we don't know" line. I've been reading your blog too long to buy that.)
You want a percentage, do ya? Well, that's fair, after all, you gave me a number (97% believe in GW). How about 96% after this latest news tidbit? Then we can drop that % by 1 every time a new expose comes out until the number is 0%.
Well, gee, I guess you got me.
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
96 bottles of beer on the wall...
I guess that's what passes for "conservative logic".
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