"What are you in for?"
"Under-inflated tires."
You may have thought that the Copenhagen climate conference was a big dud (fortunately), but in Kalifornia, it is full speed ahead with saving the planet. The Kalifornia EPA's Air Resources Board is pushing through a state law that would enforce tire pressure-criminal penalties and all.

That's right. Up to $1,000 fine and/or 6 months in the slammer for each violation.
Under this requirement, all auto repair services would be required to inflate the customers' tires up to the recommended level. Drivers would need to have documentation that such service was provided. It gets complicated (of course) because there is some clause that excuses drivers from having such service if they are charged for it, but they have to have the service when it is free......

"Yee gads!!!"
It's all about money, of course. It is true that under-inflated tires use up more gas, which pollutes the air and melts the Arctic ice caps...plus badly-needed revenue for the state in fines-which may help pay for those increased prison costs.
I know what you're thinking. Either I am crazy or the people who run this state are crazy-or maybe all of us are crazy. I know the latter are crazy-as for the former....
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